Wapens - Vlaggen Albums
Album information :
- Issued by : Amsterdam Filmphoto service, the Netherlands
- Date of issue : probably 1947/48
- Number of stamps/cards : 96 in 3 booklets with 32 each
- Image variants : -
These small albums were issued as a cooperation between Filmphoto and AEZ Vlaggenindustrie, both in Amsterdam. The first had issued successfully a series of pictures of movie stars and at a certain time they joined to produce a series of 96 flags and arms pictures. The title is in Dutch, the other texts and the names of the countries are in English. The cards could be bought in bags of 8, as can be seen from the card below, from grocery or tobacco stores and placed in an empty album at will.
The cards were printed in one large sheet and then cut in sets. The sheet also does not give any reference to the publisher.
Examples of a page:
The sheet :
Cards issued:
Many of these are currently available in our eBay shop : https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/maxime_12/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
1. Abyssinia
2. Afghanistan
3. Andorra
4. Argentina
5. Australia
6. Austria
8. Belgium
9. Bolivia
10. Brazil
11. British Columbia
12. Canada
13. Chile
14. China
15. Colombia
16. Costa Rica
17. Cuba
18. Cyprus
19. Cyrenaica
20. Czechoslovakia
21. Denmark
22. Dominica
23. Ecuador
24. Egypt
25. Estland
26. Ethiopia
27. Faroese
28. Finland
29. France
30. Germany
31. Gibraltar
32. Great Britain
33. Greece
34. Guatemala
35. Haiti
36. Honduras
37. Hungary
38. Iceland
39. India
40. Indonesia
41. Irish Free State
42. Israel
43. Italy
44. Japan
45. Kelantan
46. Kenya
47. Korea
48. Lebanon
49. Liberia
50. Luxemburg
51. Malay States
52. Malta
53. Manitoba
54. Mexico
55. Monaco
56. Morocco
57. Netherlands
58. New Brunswick
59. New South Wales
60. New Zealand
61. Nicaragua
62. Norway
63. Nova Scotia
64. Ontario
65. Pakistan
66. Panama
67. Papal State
68. Papua
69. Paraguay
70. Persia
71. Peru
72. Poland
73. Portugal
75. Queensland
76. Russia
77. El Salvador
78. San Marino
79. Sarawak
80. Serbia
81. Siam
82. South Australia
83. Spain
84. Sweden
85. Switzerland
86. Tasmania
87. Tonga
88. Trengganu
89. Tripolis
90. Tunis
91. Turkey
92. Uruguay
93. USA
94. Venezuela
96. Yugoslavia
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