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State: Steiermark
District: Leibnitz
Additions: 2015 Kaindorf an der Sulm, Seggauberg

Wappen von Leibnitz/Arms (crest) of Leibnitz
Official blazon
German blazon wanted
English blazon wanted

On October 16, 1913 Emperor Franz Joseph I made the borough of Leibnitz a city and confirmed to the new city the use of the traditional arms.

The full achievement is surmounted by a mural crown. The meaning is not known.

Wappen von Leibnitz/Coat of arms (crest) of Leibnitz

The arms in the Coffee Hag album +/- 1932
Wappen von Leibnitz/Coat of arms (crest) of Leibnitz

The arms in the Abadie albums
Wappen von Leibnitz/Coat of arms (crest) of Leibnitz

Special postal cancellation 1971

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Literature: Zaisberger, F. and Pfeiffer, N.: Salzburger Gemeindewappen. Winter Verlag, Salzburg, 1985