Category:German Ämter, Samtgemeinden, Verbandsgemeinden and Grossgemeinden

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German heraldry portal
Deutsche Wappensammlung

Heraldry of the World

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Many present States in Germany are divided in several layers of local government. All States are divided in Districts (Kreise), but in Bayern for example Districts are clustered into Bezirke "provinces". In all States Districts are divided in municipalities (Gemeinden), which in some States are (or were) clustered into Ämter, Samtgemeinden, Verbandsgemeinden, Verwaltungsgesellschäfte or Grossgemeinden.

Many of these larger municipal clusters use(d) arms. When known they are shown below.

Pages in category "German Ämter, Samtgemeinden, Verbandsgemeinden and Grossgemeinden"

The following 627 pages are in this category, out of 627 total.