Kosmos Städte, Fahnen und Wappen

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Städte, Fahnen und Wappen


Kosmos Städte, Fahnen und Wappen

Album information :

  • Issued by : Zigarettenbilder-Zentrale Kosmos, Memmingen, Germany
  • Date of issue : 2 albums, Album A : 1931, Album B 1932
  • Number of stamps/cards : 152 + 250
  • Image variants : -


The album shows the flag and arms of German cities. The first album ahowed the major cities and the state arms, due to its success a second album with smaller cities was issued. The albums have some short introductory texts, but no further information on the towns (besides number of inhabitants) or the arms.

The back of the stamps gives information on the company and its products, not on the arms.


Album 1 / Serie A

Album 2 / Serie B

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Deutsche Wappensammlung

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  • Total pages in the German section : 61,558
  • Of which images : 41,428

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