Category:Military heraldry of the United States
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All military units in the United States using arms.
Pages in category "Military heraldry of the United States"
The following 5,000 pages are in this category, out of 10,771 total.
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- 1001st Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 1002nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 1002nd Space Support Group, US Air Force
- 1002nd Space Systems Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1003rd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 1003rd Space Support Group, US Air Force
- 1004th Space Support Group, US Air Force
- 100th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 100th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Infantry Battalion, US Army
- 100th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Medical Contingency Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Missile Defense Brigade, US Army
- 100th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Regiment, US Army
- 100th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Service Squadron, USAAF
- 100th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 100th Support Battalion, US Army
- 100th Tank Destroyer Battalion, US Army
- 1010th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 1010th Special Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 1012nd Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 1013th Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 1015th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 101st Airborne Division Screaming Eagles, US Army
- 101st Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, US Army
- 101st Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 101st Cavalry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 101st Corps Support Group, US Army
- 101st Engineer Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 101st Field Artillery Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 101st Fighter Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 101st Finance Battalion, US Army
- 101st Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 101st Intelligence Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 101st Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 101st Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 101st Rescue Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 101st Security Police Flight, Maine Air National Guard
- 101st Signal Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 101st Support Battalion, US Army
- 101st Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 1022nd Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 1022nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1025th Satellite Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 102nd (formerly 117th) Cavalry Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 102nd Armor Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 102nd Engineer Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 102nd Field Artillery Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 102nd Infantry Division Ozark (now 102nd Training Division (Maneuver Support)), US Army
- 102nd Infantry Regiment, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 102nd Intelligence Support Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 102nd Intelligence Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 102nd Military Police Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 102nd Rescue Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 102nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 102th Intelligence Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1032nd Armed Services Unit, US Army
- 1034th Support Battalion, Iowa Army National Guard
- 103rd Airlift Wing, Connecticut Air National Guard
- 103rd Armor Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 103rd Aviation Regiment, Vermont Army National Guard
- 103rd Chemical Battalion, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 103rd Communications Flight, Connecticut Air National Guard
- 103rd Engineer Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 103rd Field Artillery Regiment, Rhode Island Army National Guard
- 103rd Fighter Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 103rd Infantry Division Cactus Division, US Army
- 103rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 103rd Militry Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 103rd Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 103rd Security Forces Squadron, Connecticut Air National Guard
- 103rd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 104th Aviation Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 104th Cavalry Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 104th Engineer Battalion, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 104th Fighter Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard
- 104th Fighter Wing, Masachusetts Air National Guard
- 104th Fighter Wing, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 104th Infantry Division Timberwolf (now 104th Training Division (Leader Training)), US Army
- 104th Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 104th Medical Battalion, Maryland Army National Guard
- 104th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 104th Military Police Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 104th Regiment, US Army
- 105th Aerial Port Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 105th Airlift Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 105th Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard
- 105th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 105th Cavalry Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 105th Communications Electronics Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 105th Engineer Battalion, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 105th Infantry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 105th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 105th Military Police Battalion, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 105th Resource Management Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 105th Signal Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 1068th Space Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 106th Air Refueling Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 106th Aviation Regiment, Delaware, Illinois and Michigan Army National Guards
- 106th Aviation Regiment, Delawere, Illinois and Michigan Army National Guards
- 106th Cavalry Regiment (Formerly 106th Armor), Illinois Army National Guard
- 106th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 106th Infantry Division, US Army
- 106th Infantry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 106th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 106th Mission Support Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 106th Operations Support Flight, New York Air National Guard
- 106th Rescue Wing, New York Air National Guard
- 106th Resource Management Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 106th Support Battalion, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 106th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 107th Attack Wing, New York Air National Guard
- 107th Aviation Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 107th Cavalry Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 107th Engineer Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard
- 107th Fighter Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 107th Infantry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 107th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 107th Quartermaster Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard
- 107th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 107th Tactical Control Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 107th USAF Clinic, New York Air National Guard
- 108th Air Refueling Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 108th Air Refueling Wing, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 108th Armor Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard
- 108th Aviation Regiment, Kansas Army National Guard
- 108th Cavalry Regiment, Georgia and Louisiana National Guard
- 108th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 108th Infantry Division Golden Griffins Division, US Army
- 108th Infantry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 108th Medical Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 108th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 108th Military Intelligence Group, US Army
- 108th Regiment, US Army
- 108th Resource Management Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 108th Signal Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 108th Sustainment Brigade, Illinois Army National Guard
- 1092nd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 109th Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 109th Airlift Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 109th Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard
- 109th Armor Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 109th Aviation Regiment, Iowa and Nebraska Army National Guards
- 109th Engineer Battalion, South Dakota Army National Guard
- 109th Infantry Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 109th Medical Battalion, Iowa Army National Guard
- 109th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 109th Military Intelligence Group, US Army
- 109th Support Group, South Dakota Army National Guard
- 109th Weapons System Security Flight, New York Air National Guard
- 10th Aerospace Defense Group, US Air Force
- 10th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 10th Air Division, US Air Force
- 10th Air Force, US Air Force
- 10th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Armored Division, US Army
- 10th Armored Infantry Battalion, US Army
- 10th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 10th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 10th Coast Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 10th Combat Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Delta Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 10th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Doctrine Support Squadron, US Space Force
- 10th Emergency Rescue Squadron, USAAF
- 10th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 10th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 10th Field Hospital, US Army
- 10th Fleet, US Navy
- 10th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Force Development Squadron, US Space Force
- 10th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Infantry Division (World War I), US Army
- 10th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 10th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 10th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 10th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Mountain Division Climb to Glory Division, US Army
- 10th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 10th Personnel Command, US Army
- 10th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 10th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Service Group, USAAF
- 10th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 10th Space Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 10th Space Warning Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th Space Warning Squadron, US Space Force
- 10th Support Battalion, US Army
- 10th Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 10th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 10th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 10th US Army
- 10th Weather Group, US Air Force
- 10th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 1100th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 1106th Aviation Group, California Army National Guard
- 1108th Aviation Group (Fighting Mississippians), Missisippi Army National Guard
- 1108th Signal Brigade, US Army
- 110th Armor Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 110th Attack Wing, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 110th Cavalry Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 110th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 110th Civil Engineering Flight, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Combat Support Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Communications Electronics Maintenance Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Direct Air Support Center Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Field Artillery Regiment, Maryland Army National Guard
- 110th Fighter Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 110th Infantry Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 110th Maintenance Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Maneuver Enhanchement Brigade, Missouri Army National Guard
- 110th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 110th Resource Management Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Tactical Clinic, Michigan Air National Guard
- 110th Tactical Control Flight, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 110th Tactical Control Flight, US Air Force
- 1110th Air Support Group, US Air Force
- 111st Ordnance Group
- 111th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Virgina Army National Guard
- 111th Air Support Squadron, Washington Air National Guard
- 111th Air Traffic Control Flight, Arizona Air National Guard
- 111th Aviation Regiment, Florida Army National Guard
- 111th Communications Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 111th Engineer Brigade, West Virginia Army National Guard
- 111th Field Artillery Regiment, Virginia Army National Guard
- 111th Fighter Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 111th Infantry Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 111th Medical Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 111th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 111th Mission Support Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 111th Ordnance Group (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), Alabama Army National Guard
- 111th Signal Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 111th Sustainment Brigade, New Mexico Army National Guard
- 111th Tactical Air Control Party Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 111th Tactical Clinic, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 111th USAF Dispensary, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 111th Weapons System Security Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 112th Cavalry Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 112th Engineer Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 112th Field Artillery Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 112th Infantry Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 112th Medical Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 112th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 112th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 112th Military Police Battalion, Mississippi, Army National Guard
- 112th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 112th Transportation Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 113th Cavalry Regiment (formerly 113th Armor), Iowa Army National Guard
- 113th Civil Engineering Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard
- 113th Engineer Battalion, Indiana Army National Guard
- 113th Field Artillery Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 113th Fighter Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard
- 113th Infantry Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 113th Maintenance Squadron, District of Colombia Air National Guard
- 113th Resource Management Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard
- 113th Sustainment Brigade, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 113th Wing, District of Columbia Air National Guard
- 1144th Transportation Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 114th Aviation Regiment, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 114th Cavalry Regiment, Kansas Army National Guard
- 114th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 114th Field Artillery Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 114th Fighter Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard
- 114th Fighter Wing, South Dakota Air National Guard
- 114th Infantry Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 114th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 114th Tactical Control Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 115th Airlift Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 115th Armor Regiment, Maryland Army National Guard
- 115th Brigade Support Battalion, US Army
- 115th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 115th Engineer Battalion, Utah Army National Guard
- 115th Field Artillery Brigade, Wyoming Army National Guard
- 115th Field Artillery Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 115th Field Hospital, US Army
- 115th Fighter Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard
- 115th Infantry Regiment, Maryland Army National Guard
- 115th Military Intelligence Group, US Army
- 115th Military Police Battalion, Maryland National Guard
- 115th Quartermaster Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 115th Regional Support Group, California Army National Guard
- 115th Signal Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 1163rd Support Battalion, US Army
- 116th Air Control Squadron, Washington Air National Guard
- 116th Air Control Wing, Georgia Air National Guard
- 116th Air Refueling Squadron, Washington Air National Guard
- 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team, Idaho Army National Guard
- 116th Cavalry Regiment, Oregon and Idaho Army National Guard
- 116th Computer Systems Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 116th Engineer Battalion, Idaho Army National Guard
- 116th Field Artillery Regiment, Florida Army National Guard
- 116th Infantry Brigade, Virginia Army National Guard
- 116th Infantry Brigade, Virignia Army National Guard
- 116th Infantry Regiment, Virginia Army National Guard
- 116th Maintenance Operations Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 116th Maintenance Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 116th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 116th Mission Support Flight, Georgia Air National Guard
- 116th Operations Support Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 116th Weather Flight, Washington Air National Guard
- 117th Air Refueling Squadron, Kansas Air National Guard
- 117th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 117th Engineer Brigade, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 117th Field Artillery Regiment, Alabama Army National Guard
- 117th Infantry Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 117th Intelligence Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 117th Military Police Battalion, Tennesse Army National Guard
- 117th Mission Support Group, Alabama Air National Guard
- 117th Mission Support Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 117th Security Forces Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 117th Space Battalion, Colorado Army National Guard
- 117th Support Battalion, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 118th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 118th Airlift Wing, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 118th Cavalry Regiment, Arizona Army National Guard
- 118th Field Artillery Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard
- 118th Infantry Regiment, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 118th Medical Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 118th Signal Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 118th Tactical Hospital, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 119th Fighter Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 119th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 119th Infantry Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 119th Tactical Control Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 119th Wing, North Dakota Air National Guard
- 11th Air Defense Brigade, US Army
- 11th Air Division, US Air Force
- 11th Air Force, US Air Force
- 11th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Airborne Division Angels, US Army
- 11th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Armored Division, US Army
- 11th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 11th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 11th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 11th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 11th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Cyber Battalion, US Army
- 11th Delta Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 11th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 11th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 11th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, US Army
- 11th Infantry Division (World War I), US Army
- 11th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 11th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 11th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 11th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 11th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 11th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 11th Signal Brigade, US Army
- 11th Space Warning Squadron, US Air Force
- 11th Space Warning Squadron, US Space Force
- 11th Tactical Control Group, US Air Force
- 11th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 11th USAF Contingency Hospital, US Air Force
- 11th Wing, US Air Force
- 1204th Support Battalion, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 120th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 120th Army Reserve Command, US Army
- 120th Engineer Battalion, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 120th Field Artillery Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 120th Fighter Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard
- 120th Fighter Wing, Montana Air National Guard
- 120th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 120th Infantry Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 120th Support Group, Maine Army National Guard
- 1211th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 121st Air Refueling Wing, Ohio Air National Guard
- 121st Army Reserve Command, US Army
- 121st Cavalry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 121st Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 121st Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 121st Engineer Battalion, Maryland Army National Guard
- 121st Engineer Regiment, Maryland Defense Force
- 121st Field Artillery Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 121st Fighter Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard
- 121st Infantry Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard
- 121st Infantry Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 121st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 121st Support Battalion, US Army
- 122nd Air Support Operations Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard
- 122nd Army Reserve Command, US Army
- 122nd Cavalry Regiment, Connecticut and Rhode Island Army National Guards
- 122nd Engineer Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 122nd Field Artillery Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 122nd Fighter Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard
- 122nd Fighter Wing, Indiana Air National Guard
- 122nd Infantry Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard
- 122nd Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 122nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 122nd Support Battalion, US Army
- 123rd Aircraft Generation (later Aircraft Maintenance) Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Airlift Wing, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Armor Regiment (formerly 149th Infantry), Kentucky Army National Guard
- 123rd Army Reserve Command, US Army
- 123rd Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 123rd Communications Flight, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Communications Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Engineer Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 123rd Field Artillery Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 123rd Fighter Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard
- 123rd Global Mobility Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Infantry Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 123rd Intelligence Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Maintenance Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Resource Management Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 123rd Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 123rd Support Battalion, US Army
- 123rd Tactical Hospital, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Weapons System Security Flight, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 123rd Weapons System Security Flight, US Air Force
- 123rd Weather Flight, Oregon Air National Guard
- 124th Air Support Operations Squadron, Idaho Air National Gaurd
- 124th Armor Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 124th Army Reserve Command, US Army
- 124th Cavalry Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 124th Infantry Regiment, Florida Army National Guard
- 124th Intelligence Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 124th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 124th Regiment, Vermont Army National Guard
- 124th Regiment, Virginia Army National Guard
- 124th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 125th Air Traffic Control, US Army
- 125th Armored Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 125th Army Reserve Command, US Army
- 125th Fighter Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 125th Fighter Wing, Florida Air National Guard
- 125th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 125th Infantry Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 125th Intelligence Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 125th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 125th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 125th Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 125th Support Battalion, US Army
- 126th Air Refueling Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard
- 126th Air Refueling Wing, Illinois Air National Guard
- 126th Aviation Regiment,Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island Army National Guards
- 126th Chemical Battalion, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 126th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 126th Field Artillery Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 126th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 126th Infantry Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 126th Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 126th Medical Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 126th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 126th Support Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 1279th Engineer Battalion (Combat), US Army
- 127th Armor Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 127th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 127th Command and Control Squadron, Kansas Air National Guard
- 127th Communications Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 127th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 127th Fighter Wing, Michigan Air National Guard
- 127th Infantry Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 127th Intelligence Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 127th Resource Management Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 127th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 127th Tactical Clinic, Michigan Air National Guard
- 128th Air Refueling Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard
- 128th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 128th Engineer Battalion, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 128th Infantry Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 128th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard
- 128th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 128th Mission Support Flight, Wisconsin Air National Guard
- 128th Tactical Control Squadron, Wisconsin Air National Guard
- 1297th Support Battalion, Maryland Army National Guard
- 1299th Physiological Training Flight, US Air Force
- 129th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 129th Combat Training Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 129th Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 129th Evacuation Hospital, US Army
- 129th Field Artillery Regiment, Missouri Army National Guard
- 129th Infantry Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 129th Rescue Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 129th Rescue Wing, California Air National Guard
- 129th Security Forces Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 129th Signal Battalion, Maryland Army National Guard
- 12th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 12th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 12th Air Division, US Air Force
- 12th Air Force, US Air Force
- 12th Air Operations Group, US Air Force
- 12th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 12th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Airlift Flight, US Air Force
- 12th Armored Division, US Army
- 12th Armored Infantry Battalion, US Army
- 12th Army Group, US Army
- 12th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 12th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 12th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Delta Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 12th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 12th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 12th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Flying Training Wing, US Air Force
- 12th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Infantry Division (World War I), US Army
- 12th Infantry Division Philippine Division, US Army
- 12th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 12th Information Warfare Flight, US Air Force
- 12th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 12th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Missile Warning Group, US Air Force
- 12th Mission Support Group, US Air Force
- 12th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 12th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 12th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Service Group, USAAF
- 12th Signal Group, US Army
- 12th Space Warning Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Space Warning Squadron, US Space Force
- 12th Support Brigade, US Army
- 12th Tactical Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 12th Transportation Squadron, US Army
- 12th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 1300th Military Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 130th Airlift Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 130th Airlift Wing, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 130th Aviation Battalion, Tennesse Army National Guard
- 130th Engineer Battalion, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 130th Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 130th Field Artillery Brigade, Kansas Army National Guard
- 130th Finance Battalion, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 130th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 130th Infantry Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 130th Mission Support Flight, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 130th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 130th Rescue Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 130th Services Flight, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 1314th Ground Combat Readiness & Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 131st Aviation Regiment, Alabama Army National Guard
- 131st Bomb Wing, Missouri Air National Guard
- 131st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 131st Civil Engineering Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 131st Communications Flight, Missouri Air National Guard
- 131st Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 131st Field Artillery Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 131st Fighter Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 131st Infantry Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 131st Medical Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 131st Military Police Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 131st Rescue Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 131st Signal Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 131st Training Flight, Florida Air National Guard
- 132nd Air Refueling Squadron, Maine Air National Guard
- 132nd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard
- 132nd Engineer Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 132nd Infantry Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 132nd Medical Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard
- 132nd Support Battalion, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 132nd Wing, Iowa Air National Guard
- 133rd Aerial Port Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 133rd Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 133rd Air Refueling Squadron, New Hampshire Air National Guard
- 133rd Airlift Wing, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 133rd Engineer Battalion (formerly 103rd Infantry Regiment), Maine Army National Guard
- 133rd Field Artillery Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 133rd Infantry Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard
- 133rd Security Forces Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 134th Air Refueling Wing, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 134th Aviation Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 134th Cavalry Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 134th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 134th Field Artillery Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 134th Field Artillery Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 134th Fighter Squadron, Vermont Air National Guard
- 134th Infantry Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 134th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 134th Signal Battalion, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 134th Tactical Control Flight, US Air Force
- 1352nd Audiovisual Squadron, US Air Force
- 135th Airborne Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 135th Airlift Group, Maryland Air National Guard
- 135th Airlift Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard
- 135th Aviation Regiment, Missouri Army National Guard
- 135th Infantry Regiment, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 135th Maintenance Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard
- 135th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 135th Operations Support Flight, Maryland Air National Guard
- 135th Signal Battalion, Missouri and Nebraska Army National Guards
- 135th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 1367th Audiovisual Squadron, US Air Force
- 136th Air Refueling Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 136th Airlift Control Flight, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Airlift Wing, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Civil Engineering Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 136th Combat Support Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Field Artillery Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 136th Infantry Regiment, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 136th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Texas Army National Guard
- 136th Military Police Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 136th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Resource Management Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 136th Signal Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 136th Support Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 136th Weapons System Security Flight, Texas Air National Guard
- 137th Aerial Port Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 137th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 137th Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 137th Airlift Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 137th Airlift Wing, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 137th Armor Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 137th Aviation Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 137th Aviation Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 137th Civil Engineering Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 137th Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 137th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 137th Engineer Battalion, South Dakota Army National Guard
- 137th Field Artillery Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 137th infantry Regiment, Kansas Army National Guard
- 137th Intelligence Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard
- 137th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 137th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 137th Space Warning Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard
- 137th Supply and Service Battalion, US Army
- 138th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 138th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 138th Field Artillery Brigade, USA
- 138th Fighter Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 138th Fighter Wing, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 138th Finance Battalion, Indiana Army National Guard
- 138th Infantry Regiment, Missouri Army National Guard
- 138th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 138th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 138th Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 138th Signal Battalion, Indiana Army National Guard
- 138th Tactical Control Flight, US Air Force
- 139th Airborne Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 139th Airlift Wing, Missouri Air National Guard
- 139th Field Artillery Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 139th Infantry Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 139th Intelligence Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 139th Logistics Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 139th Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 139th Maintenance Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 139th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 139th Resource Management Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 139th Support Group, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 139th Tactical Control Flight, US Air Force
- 13th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 13th Air Division, US Air Force
- 13th Air Force, US Air Force
- 13th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Airborne Division Black Cat Division, US Army
- 13th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Armored Division, US Army
- 13th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 13th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 13th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 13th Coast Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 13th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 13th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 13th Delta Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 13th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 13th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 13th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 13th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Marine Defense Battalion, USMC
- 13th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 13th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Service Group, USAAF
- 13th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 13th Space Warning Squadron, US Air Force
- 13th Space Warning Squadron, US Space Force
- 13th Support Battalion, US Army
- 13th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 13th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 1402nd Military Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 1402th Engineer Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 1403rd Military Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 140th Aviation Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 140th Engineer Battalion, District of Colombia Army National Guard
- 140th Engineer Battalion, District of Columbia Army National Guard
- 140th Field Artillery Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 140th Infantry Regiment, Missouri Army National Guard
- 140th Maintenance Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard
- 140th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 140th Operations Support Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard
- 140th Resources Management Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard
- 140th Signal Battalion, Colorado Army National Guard
- 140th Wing, Colorado Air National Guard
- 141st Air Refueling Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 141st Air Refueling Wing, Washington Air National Guard
- 141st Engineer Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 141st Field Artillery Regiment (Washington Artillery), Louisiana Army National Guard
- 141st Infantry Divisiion (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 141st Infantry Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 141st Military Intelligence Battalion, Utah Army National Guard
- 141st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 141st Support Battalion, Oregon Army National Guard
- 141st Tactical Control Squadron, Puerto Rico Air National Guard
- 142nd Airlift Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard
- 142nd Aviation Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 142nd Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, Alabama Army National Guard
- 142nd Communications Flight, Oregon Air National Guard
- 142nd Engineer Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 142nd Field Artillery Brigade, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 142nd Field Artillery Regiment, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 142nd Fighter Wing, Oregon Air National Guard
- 142nd Infantry Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 142nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard
- 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Utah Army National Guard
- 142nd Military Police Brigade, Alabama Army National Guard
- 142nd Resource Management Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard
- 142nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 142nd Signal Brigade, Alabama Army National Guard
- 142nd Support Battalion, US Army
- 142nd USAF Clinic, Oregon Air National Guard
- 143rd Aerial Port Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard
- 143rd Airlift Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard
- 143rd Airlift Wing, Rhode Island Air National Guard
- 143rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 143rd Combat Communications Squadron, Washington Air National Guard
- 143rd Field Artillery Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 143rd Infantry Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 143rd Medical Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard
- 143rd Military Police Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 143rd Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 143rd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 143rd Sustainment Command, US Army
- 1443rd Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 144th Airlift Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 144th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 144th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 144th Fighter Wing, California Air National Guard
- 144th Infantry Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 144th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 1457th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 145th Air Refueling Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 145th Airlift Wing, North Carolina Air National Guard
- 145th Armored Regiment (formerly 145th Infantry), Ohio Army National Guard
- 145th Armored Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 145th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 145th Cavalry Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 145th Chemical Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 145th Infantry Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 146th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 146th Air Refueling Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 146th Air Support Operations Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 146th Aircraft Generation Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 146th Airlift Wing, California Air National Guard
- 146th Cavalry Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 146th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 146th Field Artillery Regiment, Washington Army National Guard
- 146th Fighter-Interceptor Wing, US Air Force
- 146th Medical Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard
- 146th Security Forces Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 146th Signal Battalion, Florida Army National Guard
- 146th Tactical Hospital, US Air Force
- 147th Air Refueling Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 147th Aviation Regiment, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota Army National Guards
- 147th Combat Communications Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 147th Combat Support Hospital, Colorado Army National Guard
- 147th Fighter-Interceptor Group, Texas Air National Guard
- 147th Infantry Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 147th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 147th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 147th Operations Support Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 147th Personnel Services Battalion, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 147th Reconnaissance Wing, Texas Air National Guard
- 147th Resource Management Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 147th Security Forces Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 147th Support Battalion, Colorado Army National Guard
- 147th Tank Battalion, US Army
- 148th Air Support Operations Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 148th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 148th Field Artillery Regiment, Oregon and Idaho Army National Guards
- 148th Fighter Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 148th Fighter Wing, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 148th Infantry Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 148th Resource Management Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 148th Space Operations Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 149th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 149th Armor Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 149th Armored Brigade, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 149th Aviation Regiment, Texas Army National Guard
- 149th Combat Communications Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 149th Fighter Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard
- 149th Fighter Wing, Texas Air National Guard
- 149th Infantry Regiment, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 149th Personnel Services Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 149th Security Forces Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 14th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 14th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 14th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 14th Air Division, US Air Force
- 14th Air Force, US Air Force
- 14th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Armoured Division, US Army
- 14th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 14th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 14th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Coast Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 14th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 14th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Division, US Army
- 14th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 14th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 14th Field Hospital, US Army
- 14th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Flying Training Wing, US Air Force
- 14th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 14th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 14th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 14th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 14th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 14th Service Group, USAAF
- 14th Service Squadron, USAAF
- 14th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Tow Target Squadron, USAAF
- 14th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 14th US Army (Phantom Unit)
- 14th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 14th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 1503rd Air Transport Wing, US Air Force
- 150th Air Refueling Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 150th Armor Regiment (formerly 150th Infantry), West Virginia Army National Guard
- 150th Aviation Battalion, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 150th Aviation Regiment, Delaware and New Jersey Army National Guards
- 150th Aviation Regiment, Delawere and New Jersey Army National Guards
- 150th Engineer Battalion, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 150th Field Artillery Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 150th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 150th Special Operations Wing, New Mexico Air National Guard
- 151 Air Refueling Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 151st Air Refueling Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 151st Air Refueling Wing, Utah Air National Guard
- 151st Armored Signal Company, US Army
- 151st Aviation Regiment, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 151st Cavalry Regiment, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 151st Chemical Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 151st Communications Flight, Utah Air National Guard
- 151st Infantry Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 151st Logistics Readiness Squadron, Utah Air National Guard
- 151st Medical Squadron, Utah Air National Guard
- 151st Military Police Battalion, West Virginia Army National Guard
- 151st Operations Support Flight, Utah Air National Guard
- 151st Operations Support Squadron, Utah Air National Guard
- 151st Regional Support Group, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 151st Signal Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard
- 152nd Cavalry Regiment (formerly 152nd Infantry), Indiana Army National Guard
- 152nd Chemical Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 152nd Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 152nd Engineer Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 152nd Field Artillery Regiment, Maine Army National Guard
- 152nd Fighter Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 152nd Informations Systems Flight, Nevada Air National Guard
- 152nd Operations Support Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard
- 152nd Tactical Clinic, Nevada Air National Guard
- 152nd Weapons System Security Flight, Nevada Air National Guard
- 153rd Air Refueling Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 153rd Airborne Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 153rd Airlift Wing, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 153rd Cavalry Regiment, Florida Army National Guard
- 153rd Command and Control Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 153rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 153rd Engineer Battalion, South Dakota Army National Guard
- 153rd Finance Battalion, Flordia Army National Guard
- 153rd Finance Battalion, Florida Army National Guard
- 153rd Infantry Regiment (First Arkansas), Arkansas Army National Guard
- 153rd Tactical Clinic, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 154th Air Control Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 154th Air Refueling Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 154th Civil Engineering Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 154th Fighter Squadron, Arkansas Air National Guard
- 154th Mission Support Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 154th Quartermaster Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 154th Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 154th Resource Management Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 154th Services Flight, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 154th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 154th Tactical Hospital, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 154th Tactical Hospital, US Air Force
- 154th Wing, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 1550th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1550th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1550th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1551st Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 155th Air Refueling Wing, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Armored Brigade Combat Team, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 155th Chemical Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 155th Combat Support Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Communications Flight, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 155th Communications Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 155th Infantry Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 155th Maintenance Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 155th Resource Management Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 156th Airlift Squadron, North Carolina Air National Guard
- 156th Airlift Wing, Puerto Rico Air National Guard
- 156th Armor Regiment, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 156th Engineer Battalion Texas Army National Guard
- 156th Field Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 156th Infantry Regiment, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 156th Information Operations Battalion, Washington Army National Guard
- 156th Signal Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard
- 157th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, New Hampshire Air National Guard
- 157th Field Artillery Regiment, Colorado Army National Guard
- 157th Fighter Squadron, South Carolina Air National Guard
- 157th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 157th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 157th Infantry Regiment, Colorado Army National Guard
- 157th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 157th Ordnance Battalion, Arizona Army National Guard
- 157th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 157th Support Battalion, US Army
- 158th Airlift Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 158th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 158th Cavalry Regiment, Maryland Army National Guard
- 158th Field Artillery Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 158th Finance Battalion, Arizona Army National Guard
- 158th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 158th Infantry Regiment, Arizona Army National Guard
- 158th Quartermaster Battalion, Arizona Army National Guard
- 158th Support Battalion, Arizona Army National Guard
- 159th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 159th Combat Support Hospital, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 159th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 159th Fighter Wing, Louisiana Air National Guard
- 159th Figther Squadron, Florida Air National Guard
- 159th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 159th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 159th Tactical Clinic, Louisiana Air National Guard
- 159th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 15th Aeromedical Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Air Force, US Air Force
- 15th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Armored Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 15th Army Group, US Army
- 15th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Aviation Group, US Army
- 15th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 15th Coast Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 15th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 15th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Cyberspace Squadron, US Space Force
- 15th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 15th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 15th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 15th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 15th Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 15th Maintenance Group, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 15th Maintenance Group, US Air Force
- 15th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 15th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 15th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 15th Personnel Service Battalion, US Army
- 15th Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 15th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 15th Signal Brigade, US Army
- 15th Space Surveillance Squadron, US Space Force
- 15th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 15th Tow Target Squadron, USAAF
- 15th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 15th US Army
- 15th Weather Squadron. USAAF
- 15th Wing, US Air Force
- 1604th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 1605th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 1605th Military Airlift Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1605th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 1605th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 1605th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 160th Air Refueling Group, Ohio Air National Guard
- 160th Field Artillery Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 160th Fighter Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 160th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 160th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 160th Signal Brigade, US Army
- 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 1611th Air Transport Wing, US Air Force
- 161st Air Refueling Wing, Arizona Air National Guard
- 161st Field Artillery Regiment, Kansas Army National Guard
- 161st Infantry Regiment, Washington Army National Guard
- 161st Maintenance Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 161st Medical Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 161st Medical Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 162nd Combat Communications Group, California Air National Guard
- 162nd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 162nd Field Artillery Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 162nd Fighter Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 162nd Fighter Wing, Arizona Air National Guard
- 162nd Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 162nd Infantry Regiment, Oregon Army National Guard
- 162nd Logistics Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 162nd Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 162nd Maintenance Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 162nd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 162nd Quartermaster Battalion, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 1631st USAF Dispensary, US Air Force
- 163rd Aircraft Generation Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 163rd Armored Brigade, Montana Army National Guard
- 163rd Cavalry Regiment, Montana Army National Guard
- 163rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 163rd Field Artillery Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 163rd Fighter Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard
- 163rd Infantry Regiment, Montana Army National Guard
- 163rd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 163rd Mission Support Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 163rd Reconnaissance Wing, California Air National Guard
- 163rd Resources Management Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 163rd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 163rd Support Group, US Army
- 164th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Florida Army National Guard
- 164th Airlift Wing, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 164th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 164th Engineer Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 164th Field Artillery Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 164th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 164th Quartermaster Group, US Army
- 164th Security Forces Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 164th Transportation Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 164th Weather Flight, Ohio Air National Guard
- 165th Aerial Port Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 165th Air Support Operations Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 165th Airlift Squadron, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 165th Airlift Wing, Georgia Air National Guard
- 165th Quartermaster Group, US Army
- 166th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard
- 166th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Delware Air National Guard
- 166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air National Guard
- 166th Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 166th Infantry Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 166th Medical Squadron, Delaware Air National Guard
- 166th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 166th Regional Support Group, US Army
- 167th Aerial Port Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 167th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 167th Airlift Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 167th Airlift Wing, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 167th Cavalry Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 167th Communications Flight, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 167th Infantry Regiment, Alabama Army National Guard
- 167th Logistic Readiness Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard
- 167th Military Police Battalion, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 167th Support Battalion, US Army
- 167th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 168th Air Refueling Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 168th Air Refueling Wing, Alaska Air National Guard
- 168th Air Refueling Wing, Alaska Air National Guard, US
- 168th Air Support Operations Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 168th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 168th Aviation Regiment, Washington Army National Guard
- 168th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 168th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 168th Engineer Brigade, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 168th Field Artillery Regiment, Colorado Army National Guard
- 168th Infantry Regiment (Third Iowa), Iowa Army National Guard
- 168th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 168th Resource Management Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 168th Security Forces Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 168th Support Battalion, US Army
- 169th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 169th Airlift Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 169th Aviation Regiment, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 169th Electronic Security Squadron, Utah Air National Guard
- 169th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 169th Field Artillery Brigade, Colorado Army National Guard
- 169th Fighter Wing, South Carolina Air National Guard
- 169th Infantry Regiment, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 169th Mission Support Squadron, South Carolina Air National Guard
- 16th Air Force, US Air Force
- 16th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Air Traffic Control Battalion, US Army
- 16th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 16th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Armored Division, US Army
- 16th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 16th Coast Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 16th Electronic Warfare Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 16th Engineer Brigade, Ohio Army National Guard
- 16th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 16th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 16th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 16th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 16th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 16th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 16th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 16th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 16th Service Group, USAAF
- 16th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 16th Space Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Space Control Squadron, US Space Force
- 16th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 16th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 16th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 1700th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 1701st Mobility Squadron, US Air Force
- 1702nd Mobility Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1707th Air Transport Wing, US Air Force
- 170th Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 170th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 170th Fighter Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 170th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 170th Military Police Battalion, Georgia Army National Guard
- 170th Operations Support Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 171st Air Refueling Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 171st Airlift Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 171st Aviation Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard
- 171st Civil Engineering Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 171st Field Artillery Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 171st Security Forces Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 172nd Airlift / Fighter Squadron, Michigan Air National Guard
- 172nd Airlift Wing, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 172nd Cavalry Regiment (formerly 172nd Armor and 172nd Infantry), Vermont Army National Guard
- 172nd Communications Flight, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 172nd Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 172nd Field Artillery Regiment, New Hampshire Army National Guard
- 172nd Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 172nd Infantry Regiment, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and Maine Army National Guards
- 172nd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 172nd Support Battalion, US Army
- 173rd Air Refueling Squadron, Nebraska Air National Guard
- 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, US Army
- 173rd Civil Engineering Squadron, Oregon Air National Guard
- 173rd Communications Flight, Oregon Air National Guard
- 173rd Engineer Battalion, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 173rd Fighter Wing, Oregon Air National Guard
- 173rd Infantry Regiment (formerly 131st Cavalry and 131st Armor), Alabama Army National Guard
- 173rd Support Battalion, US Army
- 174th Air Defence Artillery Brigade, Ohio Army National Guard
- 174th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 174th Armor Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 174th Attack Wing, New York Air National Guard
- 174th Fighter Squadron, Iowa Air National Guard
- 174th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 174th Infantry Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 175th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard
- 175th Field Artillery Regiment, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 175th Fighter Squadron, South Dakota Air National Guard
- 175th Infantry Regiment, Maryland Army National Guard
- 175th Information Operations Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard
- 175th Logistics Squadron, Maryland Air National Guard
- 175th Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 175th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 175th Military Police Battalion, Missouri Army National Guard
- 175th Tactical Fighter Group, Maryland Air National Guard
- 175th Wing, Maryland Air National Guard
- 176th Air Control Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 176th Civil Engineering Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Communications Flight, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Engineer Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 176th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 176th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 176th Mission Support Flight, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Mobile Aerial Port Flight, Alaska Air National Guard
- 176th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 176th Support Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 176th Wing, Alaska Air National Guard
- 1776th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 1776th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 177th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 177th Engineer Battalion, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Florida Army National Guards
- 177th Fighter Wing, New Jersey Air National Guard
- 177th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 177th Information Warfare Agressor Squadron, US Air Force
- 177th Military Police Brigade, Michigan Army National Guard
- 178th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 178th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 178th Field Artillery Regiment, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 178th Fighter Squadron, North Dakota Air National Guard
- 178th Fighter Wing, Ohio Air National Guard
- 178th Infantry Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 178th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 178th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 178th Resource Management Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 179th Airlift Wing, Ohio Air National Guard
- 179th Fighter Squadron, Minnesota Air National Guard
- 179th Infantry Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 179th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 17th Air Division, US Air Force
- 17th Air Force, US Air Force
- 17th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Airborne Division Golden Talons Division, US Army
- 17th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Armored Infantry Battalion, US Army
- 17th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 17th Bombardment Group (later Wing), USAAF
- 17th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 17th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 17th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 17th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 17th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 17th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 17th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Operational Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 17th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Service Group, USAAF
- 17th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 17th Space Surveillance Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Support Battalion, US Army
- 17th Sustainment Brigade, Nevada Army National Guard
- 17th Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Space Force
- 17th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Test Squadron, US Space Force
- 17th Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Training Wing, US Air Force
- 17th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 17th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 17th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 1802nd Special Regiment, US Army
- 180th Airlift Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 180th Cavalry Regiment (formerly 180th Infantry), Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 180th Field Artillery Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 180th Field Artillery Regiment, Arizona Army National Guard
- 180th Fighter Wing, Ohio Air National Guard
- 180th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 180th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 1817th Reserve Advisor Squadron, US Air Force
- 1819th Reserve Advisor Squadron, US Air Force
- 181s Intelligence Wing, Indiana Air National Guard
- 181st Aerial Port Flight, Texas Air National Guard
- 181st Aerial Port Flight, US Air Force
- 181st Airlift Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 181st Engineer Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 181st Field Artillery Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 181st Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 181st Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 181st Intelligence Support Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard
- 181st Intelligence Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 181st Operations Support Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard
- 181st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 181st Support Battalion, Washington Army National Guard
- 181st Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 182nd Aerial Port Flight, Illinois Air National Guard
- 182nd Aerial Port Flight, US Air Force
- 182nd Airlift Wing, Illinois Air National Guard
- 182nd Cavalry Regiment (formerly 182nd Infantry), Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 182nd Communications and Electronics Maintenance Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 182nd Field Artillery Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 182nd Fighter Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 182nd Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 182nd Resource Management Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 183rd Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 183rd Airlift Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 183rd Aviation Regiment, Idaho Army National Guard
- 183rd Cavalry Regiment (formerly 183rd Infantry), Virginia Army National Guard
- 183rd Fighter Wing, Illinois Air National Guard
- 183rd Regiment, Virginia Army National Guard
- 183rd Resource Maintenance Management Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 1843 Engineering Installation Group, US Air Force
- 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 184th Intelligence Wing, Kansas Air National Guard
- 184th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 184th Transportation Brigade, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 1856th Communications Group, US Air Force
- 185th Air Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National Guard
- 185th Airlift Squadron, Oklahoma Air National Guard
- 185th Armor Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 185th Aviation Brigade, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 185th Aviation Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 185th Field Artillery Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard
- 185th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 185th Military Police Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 185th Quartermaster Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 1864th Communications Group, US Air Force
- 1866th Facility Checking Squadron, US Air Force
- 1867th Facility Checking Squadron, US Air Force
- 1868th Facility Checking Squadron, US Air Force
- 186th Air Refueling Squadron, Montana Air National Guard
- 186th Air Refueling Wing, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 186th Infantry Regiment, Oregon Army National Guard
- 186th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 1872nd School Squadron, US Air Force
- 1876th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1877th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 187th Aeromedical Evacuation Flight, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 187th Airlift Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 187th Armor Regiment, Florida Army National Guard
- 187th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 187th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 187th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 187th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 187th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 187th Resource Management Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 1880th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1882nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1889th Regional Support Group, Montana Army National Guard
- 188th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 188th Fighter Squadron, New Mexico Air National Guard
- 188th Fighter Wing, Arkansas Air National Guard
- 188th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 188th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 188th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 188th Support Battalion, US Army
- 188th Tactical Clinic, US Air Force
- 189th Airlift Wing, Arkansas Air National Guard
- 189th Aviation Regiment, Montana Army National Guard
- 189th Field Artillery Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 189th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 189th Services Flight, Arkansas Air National Guard
- 189th Support Battalion, US Army
- 18th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Agressor Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 18th Air Division, US Air Force
- 18th Air Force, US Air Force
- 18th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Airborne Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 18th Aircraft Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 18th Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 18th Cavalry Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 18th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Civil Engineering Group, US Air Force
- 18th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Component Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 18th Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 18th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 18th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 18th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 18th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 18th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 18th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 18th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Marine Defense Battalion, USMC
- 18th Medical Command, US Army
- 18th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 18th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Personnel Group, US Army
- 18th Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 18th Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 18th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Space Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Space Control Squadron, US Space Force
- 18th Special Operations Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 18th Wing, US Air Force
- 1901st Communications Group, US Air Force
- 1901st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 1905th Engineer Aviation Battalion, California and Oregon Army National Guards
- 1908th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 190th Air Refueling Wing, Kansas Air National Guard
- 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, Montana Army National Guard
- 190th Engineer Battalion, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 190th Field Artillery Regiment, Montana Army National Guard
- 190th Fighter Squadron, Idaho Air National Guard
- 190th Quartermaster Battalion, Indiana Army National Guard
- 190th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 190th Transportation Battalion, Indiana Army National Guard
- 191st Air Refueling Squadron, Utah Air National Guard
- 191st Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 191st Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 1920th Communications Group, US Air Force
- 192nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard
- 192nd Airlift Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard
- 192nd Cavalry Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 192nd Chemical Battalion, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 192nd Civil Engineer Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard
- 192nd Engineer Battalion, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 192nd Fighter Wing, Virginia Air National Guard
- 192nd Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 192nd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 192nd Maintenance Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard
- 192nd Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 192nd Support Battalion, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 1930th Information Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 1931st Communications Group, US Air Force
- 193rd Aviation Regiment, Hawaii Army National Guard
- 193rd Communications Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 193rd Logistics Readiness Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Logistics Rediness Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Medical Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Military Police Battalion, Colorado Army National Guard
- 193rd Regiment, Delaware Army National Guard
- 193rd Resource Management Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Special Operations Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Special Operations Wing, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 193rd Support Battalion, US Army
- 194th Armor Regiment, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 194th Armored Brigade, US Army
- 194th Engineer Battalion, Tennesse Army National Guard
- 194th Engineer Brigade, Tennesse Army National Guard
- 194th Fighter Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 194th Intelligence Squadron, Washington Air National Guard
- 194th Regional Support Wing, Washington Air National Guard
- 194th Support Battalion, US Army
- 1956th Communications Group, US Air Force
- 195th Anti Aircraft Battalion, US Army
- 195th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 195th Armor Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 195th Infantry Regiment, New Hampshire Army National Guard
- 195th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 195th Wing, California Air National Guard
- 1961st Communications Group, US Air Force
- 1965th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1968th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 196th Air Refueling Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 196th Armor Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 196th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 196th Infantry Regiment, South Dakota Army National Guard
- 196th Reconnaissance Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 1974th Teleprocessing Group, US Air Force
- 197th Air Refueling Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 197th Field Artillery Brigade, New Hampshire Army National Guard
- 197th Field Artillery Regiment, New Hampshire Army National Guard
- 197th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 1986th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1989th Information Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 198th Armor Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 198th Fighter Squadron, Puerto Rico Air National Guard
- 198th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 1993rd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1999th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 199th Fighter Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 199th Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 199th Infantry Regiment, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 19th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 19th Air Division, US Air Force
- 19th Air Force, US Air Force
- 19th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 19th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 19th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 19th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 19th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Expeditionary Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 19th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 19th Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 19th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 19th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Regiment, Texas State Guard
- 19th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Space Defense Squadron, US Space Force
- 19th Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 19th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 19th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 19th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Aeromedical Evacuation Group, US Air Force
- 1st Aeromedical Staging Flight, US Air Force
- 1st Aerospace Communications Group, US Air Force
- 1st Aerospace Surveillance and Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Air and Space Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 1st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 1st Air Force, US Air Force
- 1st Air Support Operations Group, US Air Force
- 1st Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Airborne Command and Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Arctic Search and Rescue Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Armored Division Old Ironsides, US Army
- 1st Army Group, US Army
- 1st Army Non Commissioned Officer Academy, US Army
- 1st Army Reserve Officer Training Corps, US Army
- 1st Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 1st Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 1st Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 1st Aviation Standards Flight, US Air Force
- 1st Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Battalion, 10th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 12th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 25th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, USMC
- 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, USMC
- 1st Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Bombardment Wing, USAAF
- 1st Cavalry Division First Team, US Army
- 1st Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 1st Center Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Chemical Regiment, US Army
- 1st Civil Affairs Group, USMC
- 1st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Combat Camera Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, USMC
- 1st Combat Evaluation Group, US Air Force
- 1st Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 1st Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 1st Combat Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 5th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, US Army
- 1st Communications Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Communications Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Composite Wing, US Air Force
- 1st Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Delta Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 1st Dental Battalion, USMC
- 1st Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Emergency Rescue Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 1st Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 1st Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 1st Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 1st Finance Battalion, US Army
- 1st Fleet, US Navy
- 1st Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Helicopter Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 1st Infantry Division Big Red One, US Army
- 1st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 1st Information Operations Battalion, US Army
- 1st Information Operations Command, US Army
- 1st Information System Group, US Air Force
- 1st Inpatient Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Intelligence Battalion, USMC
- 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 1st Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 1st Maintenance Battalion, USMC
- 1st Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, US Army
- 1st Manned Space Flight Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, USMC
- 1st Marine Division, USMC
- 1st Marine Parachute Regiment, USMC
- 1st Marine Raider Battalion, USMC
- 1st Marine Regiment, USMC
- 1st Medical Battalion, USMC
- 1st Medical Brigade, US Army
- 1st Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 1st Missile Command, US Army
- 1st Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Motor Squadron, Massachusetts State Guard
- 1st Multi-Domain Effects Battalion, US Army
- 1st Multi-Domain Task Force, US Army
- 1st Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Personnel Command, US Army
- 1st Personnel Group, US Army
- 1st Personnel Service Battalion, US Army
- 1st Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 1st Photographic Group, USAAF
- 1st Proving Ground Group, USAAF
- 1st Proving Ground Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 1st Quartermaster Regiment, California State Guard
- 1st Radio Battalion, USMC
- 1st Range Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Range Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 1st Ranger Battalion, US Army
- 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 1st Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Recruit Training Battalion, USMC
- 1st Regiment, North Carolina State Guard
- 1st Regiment, Texas State Guard
- 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, US Army
- 1st Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 1st Signal Brigade, US Army
- 1st Signal Command, US Army
- 1st Signal Group, US Army
- 1st Space Analysis Squadron, US Space Force
- 1st Space Battalion, US Army
- 1st Space Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Space Launch Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Space Operations Squadron, Us Space Force
- 1st Space Surveillance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Space Wing, US Air Force
- 1st Special Forces, US Army
- 1st Special Operations Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Special Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 1st Strategic Aerospace Division, US Air Force
- 1st Supply Battalion, USMC
- 1st Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Surgical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 1st Sustainment Command, US Army
- 1st Tank Battalion, USMC
- 1st Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Space Force
- 1st Tow Target Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Training Regiment, US Army
- 1st Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 1st US Army
- 1st Weather Group, US Air Force
- 1st Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 1st Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 1st Weather Wing, US Air Force
- 2001st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2003rd Communications Group, US Air Force
- 2004th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2006th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 200th Airlift Squadron, Colorado Air National Guard
- 200th Civil Engineer Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 200th Engineer Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 200th Infantry Regiment (formerly 200th Air Defense Artillery), New Mexico Army National Guard
- 200th Military Police Command, US Army
- 200th Regiment, Alabama Army National Guard
- 2012th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2016th Information Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 201st Airlift Squadron, Distict of Columbia Air National Guard
- 201st Combat Communications Group, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 201st Field Artillery Regiment, West Virginia Army National Guard
- 201st Intelligence Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 201st Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 201st Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 201st Quartermaster Battalion, Georgia Army National Guard
- 201st Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 201st Support Battalion, US Army
- 2020th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 202nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Illinois Army National Guard
- 202nd Cavalry Regiment, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 202nd Electronic Installation Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 202nd Field Artillery Regiment, New Mexico Army National Guard
- 202nd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 202nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 202nd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 2030th Information Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 2036th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 203rd Air Refueling Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 203rd Engineer Battalion, Missouri Army National Guard
- 203rd Field Artillery Battalion, Connecticut and Maine Army National Guards
- 203rd Field Artillery Battalion, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 203rd Military Police Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 203rd Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 203rd Regiment, Guam Army National Guard
- 203rd Weather Flight, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 2040th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 204th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 204th Airlift Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 204th Aviation Group, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 204th Engineer Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Utah Army National Guard
- 204th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 204th Regiment, Idaho Army National Guard
- 204th Security Forces Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 204th Support Battalion, US Army
- 205th Armor Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 205th Engineer Battalion, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 205th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 205th Regiment (Formerly 205th Coast Artillery), Washington Army National Guard
- 205th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 206th Chemical Battalion, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 206th Engineer Battalion, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 206th Field Artillery Regiment, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 206th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 2078th Information Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 207th Aviation Regiment, Alaska Army National Guard
- 207th Infantry Battalion, Alaska Army National Guard
- 208th Armor Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 208th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 208th Regiment, Montana Army National Guard
- 208th Regional Support Group, US Army
- 209th Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 209th Regional Support Group, US Army
- 209th Support Battalion, US Army
- 20th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 20th Air Division, US Air Force
- 20th Air Force, US Air Force
- 20th Air Police (later Security Forces) Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Aircraft Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Armored Division, US Army
- 20th Armored Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 20th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 20th Aviation Brigade (Theater), USA
- 20th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th CBRNE Command, US Army
- 20th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 20th Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 20th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 20th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 20th Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 20th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 20th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Space Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Space Control Squadron, US Space Force
- 20th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Support Group, US Army
- 20th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 20th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 210th Air Defense Brigade, US Army
- 210th Armor Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 210th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 210th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 210th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 210th Finance Battalion, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 210th Military Police Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard
- 210th Regiment, US Virgin Islands Army National Guard
- 210th Regional Support Group, US Army
- 210th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 2114th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2115th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2119th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 211th Aviation Group, US Army
- 211th Aviation Group, Utah Army National Guard
- 211th Engineering Installation Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 211th Military Police Battalion (formerly 220th Infantry Regiment), Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 211th Regional Support Group, US Army
- 211th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 212th Air Defense Brigade, US Army
- 212th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 212th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 212th Ground Electronics Engineering and Installation Agency Squadron. Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 212th Signal Battalion, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 213th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 213th Area Support Group, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 213th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 213th Regiment, Wyoming Army National Guard
- 213th Space Warning Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard
- 2142nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2148th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 214th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 214th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 214th Electronic Installation Squadron, Tennessee Air National Guard
- 214th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 214th Field Artillery Regiment, Georgia Army National Guard
- 214th Operations Support Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 214th Reconnaissance Group, Arizona Air National Guard
- 214th Reconnaissance Squadron, Arizona Air National Guard
- 2150th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2151st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2155th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 215th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 215th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 215th Regiment, Arizona Army National Guard
- 215th Tank Battalion, US Army
- 2166th Information Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 2168th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 216th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 216th Armored Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 216th Engineer Battalion, Ohio Army National Guard
- 216th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 216th Operations Support Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 216th Space Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 217th Air Operations Group, Michigan Air National Guard
- 217th Engineering Installation Squadron, Illinois Air National Guard
- 217th Training Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 2181st Information Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 218th Support Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 2192nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Air Division, US Air Force
- 21st Air Force, US Air Force
- 21st Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Airborne Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 21st Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Airship Group, USAAF
- 21st Cavalry Brigade, US Army
- 21st Cavalry Division, USA
- 21st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 21st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Communications Squadron, US Space Force
- 21st Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 21st Engineer Regiment, US Army
- 21st Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 21st Fighter Day Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts State Guard
- 21st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 21st Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Operations Support Squadron, US Space Force
- 21st Personnel Group, US Army
- 21st Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Service Group, USAAF
- 21st Signal Brigade, US Army
- 21st Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Space Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 21st Space Wing, US Air Force
- 21st Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Surveillance Squadron, US Air Force
- 21st Sustainment Command, US Army
- 21st Target Towing Squadron, USAAF
- 21st Tow Target Squadron, USAAF
- 220th Engineering Installation Squadron, Ohio Air National Guard
- 220th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 221st Combat Communications Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 221st Field Artillery Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 221st Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 222nd Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 222nd Combat Communications Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 222nd Command and Control Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 222nd Field Artillery Regiment, Utah Army National Guard
- 222nd Operations Support Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 222nd Support Battalion, US Army
- 223rd Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 223rd Combat Communications Squadron, Arkansas Air National Guard
- 223rd Intelligence Flight, Kentucky Air National Guard
- 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 223rd Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 224th Air Defence Group, New York Air National Guard
- 224th Air Defense Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 224th Aviation Regiment, Maryland and Virginia Army National Guards
- 224th Engineer Battalion, Iowa Army National Guard
- 224th Field Artillery Regiment, Maryland Army National Guard
- 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 224th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 224th Support Squadron, New York Air National Guard
- 224th Sustainment Brigade, California Army National Guard
- 225th Combat Communications Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 225th Engineer Brigade, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 225th Station Hospital, US Army
- 225th Support Battalion, US Army
- 226th Combat Communications Group, Alabama Air National Guard
- 226th Engineer Battalion, Kansas Army National Guard
- 226th Military Police Battalion, New Mexico Army National Guard
- 227th Air Traffic Control Flight, Colorado Air National Guard
- 227th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 227th Engineer Battalion, Hawaii Army National Guard
- 228th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 228th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 228th Signal Brigade, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 228th Support Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 228th Transportation Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 2290th US Army Hospital, US Army
- 2291st US Army Hospital, US Army
- 229th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 229th Information Operations Squadron, Vermont Air National Guard
- 229th Medical Battalion, Missouri Army National Guard
- 229th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 229th Support Battalion, Maryland Army National Guard
- 22nd Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 22nd Air Force, US Air Force
- 22nd Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 22nd Air Refuleing Wing, US Air Force
- 22nd Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 22nd Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 22nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 22nd Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 22nd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 22nd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 22nd Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 22nd Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 22nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Service Group, USAAF
- 22nd Signal Brigade, US Army
- 22nd Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Space Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 22nd Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Strategic Aerospace Division, US Air Force
- 22nd Support Command, US Army
- 22nd Surgical Hospital, US Armt
- 22nd Surveillance Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 22nd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 22nd Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 230th Cavalry Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 230th Engineer Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 230th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 230th Medical Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 230th Signal Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 230th Sustainment Brigade, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 231st Civil Engineer Flight, Missouri Air National Guard
- 231st Engineer Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 231st Military Police Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 231st Support Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard
- 232nd Combat Communications Squadron, Alabama Air National Guard
- 232nd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 232nd Operations Squadron, Nevada Air National Guard
- 232nd Support Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 233rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 2349th Personnel Processing Group, US Air Force
- 234th Intelligence Squadron, California Air National Guard
- 234th Signal Battalion, Iowa Army National Guard
- 235th Air Traffic Control Squadron, Indiana Air National Guard
- 235th Field Artillery Regiment, Kansas Army National Guard
- 236th Combat Communications Squadron, Louisiana Air National Guard
- 237th Cavalry Regiment, Ohio Army National Guard
- 237th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 238th Air Support Operations Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 238th Cavalry Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard
- 238th Regiment, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 239th Combat Communications Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 23rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Air Deport Group, USAAF
- 23rd Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 23rd Air Division, US Air Force
- 23rd Air Force, US Air Force
- 23rd Analysis Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 23rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Combat Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Component Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 23rd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 23rd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Infantry Division Americal, US Army
- 23rd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 23rd Information Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Marine Regiment, USMC
- 23rd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 23rd Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Quartermaster Brigade, US Army
- 23rd Regiment, New York State Guard
- 23rd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Space Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 23rd Special Operations Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Support Group, US Air Force
- 23rd Tank Battalion, US Army
- 23rd Target Towing Squadron, USAAF
- 23rd Tow Target Squadron, USAAF
- 23rd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 23rd Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 23rd Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 23rd Wing, US Air Force
- 23th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 240th Cavalry Regiment, Kentucky Army National Guard
- 240th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 240th Regiment, Maine Army National Guard
- 240th Signal Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 241st Air Traffic Control Squadron, Missouri Air National Guard
- 241st Engineer Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 242nd Combat Communications Squadron, Washington Air National Guard
- 242nd Engineer Battalion, Connecticut Army National Guard
- 242nd Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 243rd Air Traffic Control Flight, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 243rd Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 243rd Regiment (formerly 243rd Coast Artillery Regiment), Rhode Island Army National Guard
- 244th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 244th Aviation Brigade, US Army
- 244th Aviation Regiment, Georgia and Louisiana Army National
- 244th Aviation Regiment, Georgia Army National
- 244th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 244th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 245th Air Traffic Control Squadron, South Carolina Air National Guard
- 245th Armor Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 245th Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 245th Aviation Regiment, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 245th Combat Communications Group, Texas Air National Guard
- 246th Armor Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 246th Field Artillery Regiment, Virginia Army National Guard
- 246th Transportation Battalion, Michigan Army National Guard
- 248th Air Traffic Control Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard
- 249th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 249th Regiment, Oregon Army National Guard
- 249th Signal Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 24th Air Division, US Air Force
- 24th Air Force, US Air Force
- 24th Analysis Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 24th Cavalry Division, USA
- 24th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 24th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 24th Field Artillery Regiment (Philippine Scouts), US Army
- 24th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 24th Infantry Division Victory Division, US Army
- 24th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 24th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 24th Medical Group, US Air Force
- 24th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 24th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 24th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Service Group, USAAF
- 24th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 24th Special Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 24th Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 24th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 24th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 2500th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 250th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 250th Military Intelligence Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 250th Signal Battalion, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 251st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, California Army National Guard
- 251st Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Caliofornia Army National Guard
- 252nd Armor Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 253rd Combat Communications Group, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 253rd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 254th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 254th Combat Communications Group, Texas Air National Guard
- 254th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 254th Transportation Battalion, Florida Army National Guard
- 255th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 256th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Florida Army National Guard
- 256th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Louisiana Brigade), Louisiana Army National Brigade
- 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Louisiana Brigade), Louisiana Army National Guard
- 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Tean (Louisiana Brigade), Louisiana Army National Brigade
- 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Tean (Lousisiana Brigade), Louisiana Army National Brigade
- 257th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 258th Field Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 259th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 259th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 25th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 25th Air Division, US Air Force
- 25th Air Force, US Air Force
- 25th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Armored Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 25th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 25th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 25th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 25th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 25th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Infantry Division Tropic Lightning, US Army
- 25th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 25th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 25th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 25th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 25th Space Control Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 25th Space Range Squadron, US Space Force
- 25th Support Battalion, US Army
- 25th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 25th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 260th Air Traffic Control Squadron, New Hampshire Air National Guard
- 260th Military Intelligence Battalion, Florida Army National Guard
- 260th Military Police Command, District of Colombia Army National Guard
- 260th Military Police Command, District of Columbia Army National Guard
- 260th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 260th Regiment (formerly 260th Coast Artillery Regiment), District of Columbia Army National Guard
- 261st Engineer Battalion, Florida Army National Guard
- 261st Medical Battalion, US Army
- 261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, Delaware Army National Guard
- 261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, Delawere Army National Guard
- 262nd Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 263rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 263rd Armor Regiment, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 263rd Army Air and Missile Defense Command, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 263rd Combat Communications Squadron, North Carolina Air National Guard
- 263rd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 264th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 264th Support Battalion, US Army
- 265th Chemical Battalion, Arizona Army National Guard
- 265th Chemical Battalion, Georgia Army National Guard
- 266th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 267th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 267th Combat Communications Squadron, Air National Guard
- 267th Combat Communications Squadron, Massachusetts Air National Guard
- 267th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 26th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 26th Air Division, US Air Force
- 26th Air Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Cavalry Regiment (Philippine Scouts), US Army
- 26th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 26th Cyberspace Operations Group, US Air Force
- 26th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 26th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 26th Infantry Division Yankee Division, USA
- 26th Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts State Guard
- 26th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 26th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Intelligence Support (later 26th Operations Support) Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Intelligence Wing, US Air Force
- 26th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, Massachusetts Army National Guard
- 26th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Network Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Operational Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Service Group, USAAF
- 26th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 26th Space Agressor Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 26th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 26th Weather Squadron, USAAF
- 2705th Airmunitions Wing, US Air Force
- 270th Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 270th Engineering Installation Squadron, Pennsylvania Air National Guard
- 270th Field Artillery Regiment, New York Army National Guard
- 271st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 272nd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 272nd Regional Support Group, Michigan Army National Guard
- 272nd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 273rd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 274th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 274th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 2750th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 2750th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 2750th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 275th Support Battalion, US Army
- 276th Engineer Battalion, Virginia Army National Guard
- 277th Support Battalion, US Army
- 278th Armoured Cavalry Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 278th Chemical Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 279th Signal Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 279th Support Brigade, Alabama Army National Guard
- 27th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Aeromedical Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 27th Air Division, US Air Force
- 27th Aircraft Generation (later 27th Aircraft Maintenance) Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Aviation Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 27th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 27th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 27th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 27th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 27th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 27th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Finance Battalion, New York Army National Guard
- 27th Infantry Division O'Ryan's Roughnecks - New York Division, USA
- 27th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 27th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Service Group, USAAF
- 27th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Medcial Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 27th Special Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 27th Transportation Center, US Army
- 280th Combat Information Squadron, US Air Force
- 280th Engineer Battalion, Delawere Army National Guard
- 280th Signal Battalion, Delaware Army National Guard
- 280th Signal Battalion, Delawere Army National Guard
- 282nd Combat Communications Squadron, Rhode Island Air National Guard
- 283rd Combat Communications Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 2851st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 2851st Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 2852nd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 2853rd Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 2853rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 285th Aviation Regiment, Arizona Army National Guard
- 286th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 2871st Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 2872nd Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 2873rd Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 2875th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 287th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 287th Sustainment Brigade, Kansas Army National Guard
- 289th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 28th Air Division, US Air Force
- 28th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 28th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 28th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 28th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 28th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Finance Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 28th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Infantry Division Keystone , USA
- 28th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 28th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 28th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Service Group, USAAF
- 28th Signal Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
- 28th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 28th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 28th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 290th Combat Communications Squadron, Florida Air National Guard
- 290th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 291st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 291st Regiment, US Army
- 292nd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 293rd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard
- 293rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 294th US Army Artillery Group
- 295th Infantry Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 295th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 296th Infantry Regiment, Puerto Rico Army National Guard
- 296th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 296th Support Battalion, US Army
- 297th Cavalry, Alaska Army National Guard
- 297th Infantry Regiment (Alaska Scous), Alaska Army National Guard
- 297th Infantry Regiment (Alaska Scouts), Alaska Army National Guard
- 297th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 297th Regional Support Group, Alaska Army National Guard
- 298th Support Battalion, Mississippi Army National Guard
- 299th Cavalry Regiment (formerly 299th Infantry), Hawaii Army National Guard
- 299th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 299th Range Control Squadron, Utah Air National Guard
- 299th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 299th Support Battalion, US Army
- 29th Aerial Port Flight, US Air Force
- 29th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 29th Air Division, US Air Force
- 29th Air Traffic Control Battalion, US Army
- 29th Air Traffic Control Group, Maryland Army National Guard
- 29th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 29th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 29th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 29th Evacuation Hospital, US Army
- 29th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 29th Flying Training Wing, US Air Force
- 29th Infantry Brigade, Hawaii Army National Guard
- 29th Infantry Division Blue and Grey , USA
- 29th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 29th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 29th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 29th Service Group, USAAF
- 29th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 29th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 29th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 29th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 2nd Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 2nd Air Division, US Air Force
- 2nd Air Force, US Air Force
- 2nd Air Postal Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Armored Division Hell on Wheels, US Army
- 2nd Armored Division Non Commissioned Officer Academy, US Army
- 2nd Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 2nd Battalion, 10th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 14th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, USMC
- 2nd Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 2nd Bombardment Wing, USAAF
- 2nd Cavalry Division, US Army
- 2nd Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 2nd Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Combat Camera Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Combat Communications Group, US Air Force
- 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Combat Weather Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 5th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, US Army
- 2nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Communications Squadron, USAAF
- 2nd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Dental Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 2nd Field Investigations Region, US Air Force
- 2nd Field Investigations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Fleet, US Navy
- 2nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd General Hospital, US Army
- 2nd Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Infantry Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Infantry Brigade, US Army
- 2nd Infantry Division Indianhead, US Army
- 2nd Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts State Guard
- 2nd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 2nd Information Operations Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Intelligence Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion Death from Below, USMC
- 2nd Low Altitute Air Defense Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Maintenance Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Maintenance Operations Squadron (Earlier 2nd Logistics Support Squadron), US Air Force
- 2nd Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Manpower Requirements Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, USMC
- 2nd Marine Division, USMC
- 2nd Marine Raider Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Marine Regiment, USMC
- 2nd Medical Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Medical Brigade, US Army
- 2nd Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Military Intelligence Command, US Army
- 2nd Military Police Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Multi-Domain Effects Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Psychological Operations Group, US Army
- 2nd Quartermaster Group, US Army
- 2nd Radio Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Range Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Reconnaissance Group, USAAF
- 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Regiment, Texas State Guard
- 2nd Satellite Tracking Group, US Air Force
- 2nd Search and Attack Squadron, USAAF
- 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, US Army
- 2nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Signal Brigade, US Army
- 2nd Space Analysis Squadron, US Space Force
- 2nd Space Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Space Launch Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Space Launch Squadron, US Space Force
- 2nd Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Space Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 2nd Space Warning Squadron, US Space Force
- 2nd Staff Squadron, USAAF
- 2nd Supply Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Support Battalion, US Army
- 2nd Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Systems Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Tank Battalion, USMC
- 2nd Tow Target Squadron, USAAF
- 2nd Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Troop Carrier Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Troop Carrier Squadron, USAAF
- 2nd US Army
- 2nd Weather Group, US Air Force
- 2nd Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 2nd Weather Wing, US Air Force
- 300th Combat Support Hospital, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 300th Field Artillery Regiment, Wyoming Army National Guard
- 300th Logistical Command, US Army
- 300th Military Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 300th Military Intelligence Brigade (Liguist), USA
- 300th Military Intelligence Brigade (Linguist), USA
- 300th Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 300th Recruiting Squadron, US Air Force
- 300th Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 301st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 301st Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 301st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 301st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 301st Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Information Operations Battalion, US Army
- 301st Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Logistical Command, US Army
- 301st Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 301st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 301st Service Group, USAAF
- 301st Support Group, US Army
- 302nd Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 302nd Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 302nd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 302nd Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 302nd Chemical Regiment, US Army
- 302nd Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 302nd Field Hospital, US Army
- 302nd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 302nd Information Operations Battalion, US Army
- 302nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 302nd Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 302nd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, US Army
- 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 302nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 302nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 302nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 302nd Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 302nd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 303rd Aeronautical Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 303rd Armor Regiment, Washington Army National Guard
- 303rd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 303rd Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 303rd Cavalry Regiment, Washington Army National Guard
- 303rd Information Operations Battalion, US Army
- 303rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 303rd Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 304th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 304th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 304th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 304th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 304th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 304th Information Operations Battalion, US Army
- 304th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 304th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 304th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 304th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 304th Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 305th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 305th Air Mobility Wing, US Air Force
- 305th Aircraft Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 305th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Cyberspace Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 305th Logistical Command, US Army
- 305th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 305th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 305th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 305th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 306th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 306th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 306th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 306th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 306th Logistical Command, US Army
- 306th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 306th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 306th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 306th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 3079th Aviation Depot Wing, US Air Force
- 307th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 307th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 307th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 307th Bomb Wing, US Air Force
- 307th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 307th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 307th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 307th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 307th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 307th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 307th Service Group, USAAF
- 307th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 307th Support Battalion, US Army
- 308th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 308th Armament Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 308th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 308th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 308th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 308th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 308th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 308th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 308th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 308th Support Battalion, US Army
- 3097th Aviation Deport Squadron, US Air Force
- 3097th Aviation Depot Squadron, US Air Force
- 309th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 309th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 309th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 309th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 309th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 309th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 309th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 309th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 309th Maintenance Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 309th Maintenance Wing, US Air Force
- 309th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 309th Service Group, USAAF
- 30th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 30th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 30th Air Division, US Air Force
- 30th Airlift Squadron, Wyoming Air National Guard
- 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team Old Hickory, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 30th Armored Division, USA
- 30th Armoured Brigade, Tennesse Army National Guard
- 30th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 30th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 30th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 30th Finance Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 30th Infantry Brigade, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 30th Infantry Division Old Hickory , USA
- 30th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 30th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Launch Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Maintenance Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 30th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 30th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Operations Support Squadron, US Space Force
- 30th Range Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Range Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 30th Space Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Space Communications Squadron, US Space Force
- 30th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Support Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard
- 30th Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 30th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 310th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 310th Communications Flight, US Air Force
- 310th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 310th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 310th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 310th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 310th Operations Support Flight, US Air Force
- 310th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 310th Space Wing, US Air Force
- 310th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 310th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 310th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 311st Support Battalion, Missouri Army National Guard
- 311th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 311th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 311th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 311th Army Security Agency Battalion, US Army
- 311th Aviation Battalion, US Army
- 311th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 311th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 311th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 311th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 311th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 311th Signal Command, US Army
- 311th Support Battalion, Missouri Army National Guard
- 311th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), US Army
- 311th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 312th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 312th Aeronautical Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 312th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 312th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 312th Coast Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 312th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 312th Fighter Wing, USAAF
- 312th Logistical Command, US Army
- 312th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 312th Service Group, USAAF
- 312th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 312th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 313th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 313th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 313th Air Division, US Air Force
- 313th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 313th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 313th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 313th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 313th Flight Test Flight, US Air Force
- 313th Logistical Command, US Army
- 313th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 313th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 313th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 313th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF
- 314th Aeromedical-Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Air Division, US Air Force
- 314th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 314th Bombardment Wing, USAAF
- 314th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 314th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Fore
- 314th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Fighter Squadron, USAAF
- 314th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 314th Logistical Command, US Army
- 314th Maintenance Operations Squadron (earlier Logistics Support Squadron), US Air Force
- 314th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 314th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Support Battalion, US Army
- 314th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 314th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF
- 315th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 315th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Air Division, US Air Force
- 315th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Airlift Control Flight, US Air Force
- 315th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 315th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Bombardment Wing, USAAF
- 315th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 315th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 315th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Cyberspace Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 315th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 315th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Fighter Squadron, USAAF
- 315th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Logistical Command, US Army
- 315th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Service Group, USAAF
- 315th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 315th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF
- 315th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Air Division, US Air Force
- 316th Cavalry Brigade, US Army
- 316th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 316th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Security Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Service Group, USAAF
- 316th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 316th Tactical Hospital, US Air Force
- 316th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 316th Wing, US Air Force
- 317th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 317th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 317th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 317th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 317th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 317th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 317th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 317th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 317th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 317th Service Group, USAAF
- 317th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 317th Troop Carrier Group, USAAF
- 318th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 318th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 318th Cyberspace Operations Group, US Air Force
- 318th Logistical Command, US Army
- 318th Range Squadron, US Air Force
- 318th Service Group, USAAF
- 318th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 318th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 319th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 319th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Combat Training Squadron, US Space Force
- 319th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 319th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 319th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 319th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Reconnaissance Wing, US Air Force
- 319th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Service Group, USAAF
- 319th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 319th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 319th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Air Defense Brigade, US Army
- 31st Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 31st Air Division, US Air Force
- 31st Cavalry Regiment, Alabama Army National Guard
- 31st Chemical Brigade, Alabama Army National Guard
- 31st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Combat Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 31st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 31st Enginer Battalion, US Army
- 31st Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 31st Fighter Group, USAAF
- 31st Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 31st Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Infantry Division Dixie Division , USA
- 31st Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Medical Group, US Air Force
- 31st Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Service Group, USAAF
- 31st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 31st Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Support Battalion, Alabama Army National Guard
- 31st Surgical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 31st Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 31st Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 3200th Support Wing, US Air Force
- 3201st Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 3202nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 3205th Maintenance and Supply Group, US Air Force
- 320th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 320th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 320th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 320th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 320th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 320th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 320th Logistical Command, US Army
- 320th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 320th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 320th Munitions Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 320th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 320th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 320th Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 320th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 321st Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 321st Air Mobility Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Army Security Agency Battalion, US Army
- 321st Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 321st Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 321st Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 321st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Contingency Response Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 321st Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 321st Logistical Command, US Army
- 321st Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Medical Battalion, US Army
- 321st Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 321st Missile Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Service Squadron, USAAF
- 321st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 321st Special Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 321st Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 322nd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 322nd Air Division, US Air Force
- 322nd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 322nd Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 322nd Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 322nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron, US Air Force
- 322nd Logistical Command, US Army
- 322nd Missile Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 322nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 322nd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 322nd Wing, US Air Force
- 322th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, US Air Force
- 323rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 323rd Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 323rd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 323rd Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 323rd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 323rd Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 323rd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 323rd Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 3245th Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 3246th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 3247th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 324th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 324th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 324th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 324th Logistical Command, US Army
- 324th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 324th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 324th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 324th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3250th Technical Training Wing, US Air Force
- 325th Air Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 325th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 325th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 325th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 325th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 325th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 325th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Weapons Controller Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 325th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 326th Air Division, US Air Force
- 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 326th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 326th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 326th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 326th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 326th Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 326th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 326th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 326th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3270th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 327th Air Division, US Air Force
- 327th Aircraft Sustainment Wing, US Air Force
- 327th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 327th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 327th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 327th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 327th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 327th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 328th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 328th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 328th Armament Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 328th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 328th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 328th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 328th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 328th Personnel Service Battalion, US Army
- 328th Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 328th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 328th Weapons Squadron, US Space Force
- 3290th Student Group, US Air Force
- 3290th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 329th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 32nd Air Division, US Air Force
- 32nd Air Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Aircraft Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command, US Army
- 32nd Cavalry Regiment (formerly 32nd Armor), US Army
- 32nd Combat Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 32nd Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Field Arillery Regiment, US Army
- 32nd Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 32nd Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Hospital Center, US Army
- 32nd Infantry Division Red Arrow , USA
- 32nd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 32nd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 32nd Medical Brigade, US Army
- 32nd Service Group, USAAF
- 32nd Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Tactical Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 32nd Tactical Fighter Wing Clinic, US Air Force
- 32nd Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 3300th Technical Training Wing, US Air Force
- 3300th Training Support Group, US Air Force
- 3305th Student Group, US Air Force
- 3305th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 330th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 330th Combat Communications Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 330th Combat Flight Instructor Squadron, US Air Force
- 330th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 330th Combat Training Squadron, Georgia Air National Guard
- 330th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 330th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 330th Recruiting Squadron, US Air Force
- 330th Service Squadron, USAAF
- 330th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 331st Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 331st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 331st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 331st Medical Group, US Army
- 331st Service Group, USAAF
- 331st Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3320th Correction and Retraining Squadron, US Air Force
- 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 332nd Expeditionary Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 332nd Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 332nd Expeditionary Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 332nd Fighter Group, USAAF
- 332nd Medical Brigade, US Army
- 332nd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 332nd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 3335th Student Group, US Air Force
- 333rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 333rd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 333rd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 333rd Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 333rd Service Group, USAAF
- 3340th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 334th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 334th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 334th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 334th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 334th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 334th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 3350th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3352nd Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 335th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 335th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 335th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 335th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 336th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 336th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 336th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 336th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 336th Support Battalion, US Army
- 336th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 336th Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3370th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 337th Air Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 337th Air Support Flight, US Air Force
- 337th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 337th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 337th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 337th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 337th Tactical Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 337th Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 3380th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 338th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 338th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 338th Enterprise Sourcing Squadron, US Air Force
- 338th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 338th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 338th General Hospital, US Army
- 338th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 338th Recruiting Squadron, US Air Force
- 3390th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3395th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 339th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 339th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 339th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 339th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 339th Recruiting Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 33rd Air Division, US Air Force
- 33rd Aviation Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 33rd Cavalry Regiment (formely 33rd Armor), US Army
- 33rd Combat Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 33rd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 33rd Field Investigations Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Fighter Group, USAAF
- 33rd Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 33rd Finance Battalion, US Army
- 33rd Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Infantry Division Illinois Division - Prairie Division - Golden Cross Division, USA
- 33rd Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Military Police Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 33rd Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 33rd Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 33rd Tactical Group, US Air Force
- 33rd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 33th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 3400th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3405th Student Group, US Air Force
- 340th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 340th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 340th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 340th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 3410th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3415th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 3415th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 3415th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Medical Battalion, US Army
- 341st Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Military Intelligence Battalion, Washington Army National Guard
- 341st Missile Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 341st Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Security Police Group, US Air Force
- 341st Security Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 341st Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 341th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3420th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3423rd Technical Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 342nd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3430th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 343rd Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 343rd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Evacuation Hospital, US Army
- 343rd Missile Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Security Police Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 343rd Wing, US Air Force
- 3448th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 344th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 344th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 344th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 344th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 344th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 345th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 345th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 345th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 345th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 345th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 345th Quartermaster Battalion, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 345th Support Battalion, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 345th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3460th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 346th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 346th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 346th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 347th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 347th Aeromedical-Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 347th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 347th Regional Support Group, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 347th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 3480th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 3480th Student Group, US Air Force
- 3480th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3484h Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 348th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 348th General Hospital, US Army
- 348th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 348th Support Battalion, Georgia Army National Guard
- 348th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 3490th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3495th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 3498th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 349th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Air Mobility Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Air Mobility Wing, US Air Force
- 349th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Wyoming Army National Guard
- 349th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 349th USAF Clinic, US Air Force
- 34th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 34th Air Division, US Air Force
- 34th Armor Regiment, US Army
- 34th Aviation Squadron, USAAF
- 34th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 34th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Education Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 34th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 34th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th General Hospital, US Army
- 34th Infantry Division Red Bull , USA
- 34th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 34th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 34th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Military Police Battalion, Iowa Army National Guard
- 34th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Army
- 34th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 34th Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 34th Support Group, US Army
- 34th Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 3503rd USAF Recruiting Group, US Air Force
- 3507th Airman Classification Squadron, US Air Force
- 350th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 350th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 350th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Wyoming Army National Guard
- 350th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 350th Civil Affairs Command, US Army
- 350th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 350th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 350th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 350th Special Warfare Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, US Air Force
- 351st Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 351st Armored Field Artillery Battalion, Wyoming Army National Guard
- 351st Battlefield Airman Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 351st Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 351st Civil Affairs Command, US Army
- 351st Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 351st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 351st Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 351st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 351st Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 351st Support Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard
- 352nd Battlefield Airman Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 352nd Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 352nd Civil Affairs Command, US Army
- 352nd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 352nd Cyberspace Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 352nd Special Operations Group, US Air Force
- 352nd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 352nd Special Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 352nd Special Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 352nd Special Warfare Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3535th Navigator Training Wing, US Air Force
- 353rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 353rd Battlefield Airman Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 353rd Civil Affairs Command, US Army
- 353rd Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 353rd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 353rd Fighter Group, USAAF
- 353rd Special Operations Group, US Air Force
- 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 354th Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 354th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 354th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 354th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Quartermaster Group, US Air Force
- 354th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 354th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 3550th Pilot Training Wing, US Air Force
- 355th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 355th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Component Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 355th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 355th Wing, US Air Force
- 356th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 356th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 356th Field Hospital, US Army
- 356th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 356th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 356th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 357h (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 357th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 357th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 357th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 357th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 357th Regiment, US Army
- 357th Tactical Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 358th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 358th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 359th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 359th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 359th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 359th Medical Group, US Air Force
- 359th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 359th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 35th Air Defense Brigade, US Army
- 35th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 35th Air Division, US Air Force
- 35th Armor Regiment, US Army
- 35th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 35th Engineer Brigade, Missouri Army National Guard
- 35th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 35th Fighter Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 35th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Infantry Division Santa Fe Division, USA
- 35th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Military Police Brigade, Missouri Army National Guard
- 35th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Service Group, USAAF
- 35th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 35th Signal Brigade, US Army
- 35th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Support Battalion, US Army
- 35th Surgical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 35th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 360th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 360th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 360th Recruiting Group, US Air Force
- 360th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 360th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 360th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3614th Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 361st (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 361st Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 361st Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force
- 361st Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 362nd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 362nd Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 362nd Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 3636th Combat Crew Training Wing, US Air Force
- 363rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 363rd Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 363rd Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 363rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, US Air Force
- 363rd Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 363rd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 363rd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 363rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 363rd Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 363rd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 3640th USAF Hospital, US Air Force
- 3643rd Support Battalion, New Hampshire Army National Guard
- 3643th Pilot Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3646th Pilot Training Wing, US Air Force
- 364th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 364th Civil Affairs Brigade, US Army
- 364th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 3650th Military Training Wing, US Air Force
- 365th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 365th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 366th Aeromedical-Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Component Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 366th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 366th Financial Acquisition Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Force Support Squadron (earlier Services Squadron), US Air Force
- 366th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 366th Surgical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 367th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 367th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 367th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 367th Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 368th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Group, US Air Force
- 368th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 368th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 369th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 369th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 369th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 369th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 369th Sustainment Brigade, New York Army National Guard
- 36th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Air Division, US Air Force
- 36th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Anti Aircraft Artillery Gun Battalion, US Army
- 36th Contingency Response Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Electronic Warfare Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 36th Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 36th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 36th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 36th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Infantry Division Arrowhead, USA
- 36th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 36th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Rescue Squadron, US Air Froce
- 36th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 36th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 36th Sustainment Brigade, Texas Army National Guard
- 36th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 36th Wing, US Air Force
- 370th Air Expeditionary Advisory Group, US Air Force
- 370th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, US Air Force
- 370th Engineer Amphibious Regiment, US Army
- 370th Expeditionary Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 370th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 371st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 371st Medical Battalion, US Army
- 371st Special Operations Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 371st Sustainment Brigade, Ohio Army National Guard
- 372nd Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 372nd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 372nd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 372nd Military Police Battalion, District of Columbia Army National Guard
- 373rd Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 373rd Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force
- 373rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 373rd Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 373rd Strategic Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 373rd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Airlift wing, US Air Force
- 374th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 374th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 374th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 374th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Strategic Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 374th Surgical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3750th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 375th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Air Mobility Wing, US Air Force
- 375th Communications Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 375th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 375th Support Battalion, US Army
- 3760th Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 376th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 376th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 376th Aviation Regiment, Nebraska Army National Guard
- 376th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 376th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 376th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 376th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 376th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 376th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 376th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 377th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 377th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 377th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 377th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Civil Engineering Group, US Air Force
- 377th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 377th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 377th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 377th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 377th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 377th Security Police Group, US Air Force
- 377th Sustainment Command, US Army
- 3780th Student Group, US Air Force
- 3785th Field Training Wing, US Air Force
- 378th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 378th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 3793th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 3795th Student Group, US Air Force
- 379th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 379th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 379th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 379th Expeditionary Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 379th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 379th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 379th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 379th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 379th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 379th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 379th Strategic Hospital, US Air Force
- 37th Air Division, US Air Force
- 37th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Armor Regiment, US Army
- 37th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 37th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 37th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 37th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 37th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Helicopter Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Infantry Division Buckeye, USA
- 37th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 37th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Service Group, USAAF
- 37th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 37th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 37th Training Wing, US Air Force
- 37th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 3800th Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 380th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 380th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 380th Expeditionary Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 380th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 380th Hospital Center, US Army
- 380th Infantry Regiment, District of Colombia Army National Guard
- 380th Infantry Regiment, District of Columbia Army National Guard
- 380th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 380th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 380th Space Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 380th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 381st (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 381st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 381st Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 381st Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 381st Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 381st Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3821st Air Command and Staff College Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 3822nd Air Command and Staff College Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 3823rd Air Command and Staff College Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 3824th Air Command and Staff College Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 382nd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 382nd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 382nd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 383rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 383rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 383rd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 383rd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 384th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 384th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 384th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 384th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Munitions Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Strategic Hospital, US Air Force
- 384th Tank Battalion, US Army
- 384th Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 384th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 385th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 385th Aviation Group, Arizona Army National Guard
- 385th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 385th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 385th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 385th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 386th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 386th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 387th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 387th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 387th Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 387th Replacement Battalion, US Army
- 388th Aircraft Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 388th Electronic Combat Squadron, US Air Force
- 388th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 388th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 388th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 388th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 388th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 388th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 388th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 389th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 389th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 389th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 389th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 389th Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 389th Strategic Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 389th Support Battalion, US Army
- 38th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Air Defense Brigade, US Army
- 38th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 38th Air Division, US Air Force
- 38th Armored Division, USA
- 38th Aviation Regiment, Indiana and Michigan Army National Guard
- 38th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 38th Combat Support Wing, US Air Force
- 38th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Cyberspace Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Engineering Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 38th Infantry Division Cyclone, USA
- 38th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 38th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Personnel Services Battalion, US Army
- 38th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Reconnasissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Regional Support Group, US Army
- 38th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Service Group, USAAF
- 38th Service Squadron, USAAF
- 38th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 38th Student Squadron, US Air Force
- 38th Sustainment Brigade, Indiana Army National Guard
- 38th Troop Carrier Squadron, USAAF
- 3901st Strategic Missile Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 3902nd Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 3904th Composite Wing, US Air Force
- 3908th Strategic Standardisation Group, US Air Force
- 3909th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 390th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 390th Cyberspace Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 390th Electronic Combat Squadron, US Air Force
- 390th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 390th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 390th Information Systems Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 390th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 390th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 390th Strategic Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 3910th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 3918th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 3919th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 391st (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 391st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 391st Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 391st Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 3920th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 392nd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 392nd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 392nd Electronic Combat Range Squadron, US Air Force
- 392nd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 392nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 392nd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 392nd Training Squadron, US Space Force
- 393rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 393rd Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 393rd Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 394th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 394th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 394th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 394th Support Battalion, US Army
- 394th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 395th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 395th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 395th Regiment, US Army
- 3960th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 396th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 396th Engineer Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 3974th Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 397th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 397th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 397th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 398th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 398th Support Battalion, US Army
- 399th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 39th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 39th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 39th Air Division, US Air Force
- 39th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 39th Armored Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 39th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Composite Regiment, Texas State Guard
- 39th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Electronic Warfare Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 39th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 39th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 39th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, USA
- 39th Infantry Division Dixie Division, USA
- 39th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 39th Information Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Munitions Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 39th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 39th Support Battalion, Arkansas Army National Guard
- 39th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 39th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 3rd Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 3rd Air Division, US Air Force
- 3rd Air Force, US Air Force
- 3rd Air Police (later Security Forces) Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Armored Division Spearhead, US Army
- 3rd Army Aera Food Service School, US Army
- 3rd Army Non Commissioned Officer Academy, US Army
- 3rd Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 3rd Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd Battalion, 11th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 14th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 23rd Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines, USMC
- 3rd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 3rd Bombardment Wing, USAAF
- 3rd Bombing and Gunnery Range Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd Cavalry Division, US Army
- 3rd Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 3rd Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 3rd Chemical Brigade, US Army
- 3rd Civil Affairs Group, USMC
- 3rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Combat Camera Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 3rd Combat Training Squadron, US Space Force
- 3rd Combat Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Communications Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Dental Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Emergency Rescue Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 3rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Evacuation Hospital, US Army
- 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 3rd Field Investigations Region, US Air Force
- 3rd Field Investigations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Fleet, US Navy
- 3rd Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Forces Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Infantry Division Marne Division, US Army
- 3rd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 3rd Intelligence Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion Feel the Sting, USMC
- 3rd Maintenance Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, US Army
- 3rd Manpower Requirements Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, USMC
- 3rd Marine Division, USMC
- 3rd Marine Raider Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Marine Regiment, USMC
- 3rd Medical Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Medical Command, US Army
- 3rd Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion, US Army
- 3rd Motor Transport Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 3rd Personnel Command, US Army
- 3rd Personnel Group, US Army
- 3rd Psychological Operations Battalion, US Army
- 3rd Radio Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Reconnaissance Group, USAAF
- 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Satellite Communications Squadron, US Space Force
- 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade, US Army
- 3rd Security Police Group, US Air Force
- 3rd Service Group, USAAF
- 3rd Service Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd Signal Brigade, US Army
- 3rd Space Launch Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Space Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Space Operations Squadron, US Space Force
- 3rd Special Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Staff Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd Supply Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 3rd Sustainment Command, US Army
- 3rd Tactical Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Tank Battalion, USMC
- 3rd Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Space Force
- 3rd Transportation Command, US Army
- 3rd Troop Carrier Squadron, USAAF
- 3rd US Army
- 3rd Weather Group, US Air Force
- 3rd Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 3rd Weather Wing, US Air Force
- 3rd Wing, US Air Force
- 4000th Support Group, US Air Force
- 400th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 400th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 400th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 4017th Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 401st Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 401st Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 401st Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 401st Fighter Bomber Group, US Air Force
- 401st Glider Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 401st Support Brigade, US Army
- 4025th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 402nd Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 402nd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 402nd Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 402nd Support Brigade, US Army
- 4038th Labor Service Company, US Army
- 4038th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 403rd Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 403rd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 403rd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 403rd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 403rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 403rd Support Brigade, US Army
- 403rd Wing, US Air Force
- 4045th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 404th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 404th Aviation Support Battalion, US Army
- 404th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 404th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 404th Maneuver Enahancement Brigade (Formerly 404th Chemical Brigade), Illinois Army National Guard
- 404th Support Brigade, US Army
- 4056th Labor Service Company, US Army
- 405th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 405th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 405th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 405th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 405th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 405th Support Brigade, US Army
- 4060th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 406th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 406th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 406th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 406th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 406th Medical Laboratory, US Army
- 406th Support Brigade, US Army
- 407th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 407th Brigade Support Battalion, US Army
- 407th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 407th Support Brigade, US Army
- 4081st Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4082nd Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 408th Armament Systems Group, US Air Force
- 408th Support Brigade, US Army
- 409th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 409th Regiment, US Army
- 409th Support Brigade, US Army
- 40th Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 40th Air Division, US Air Force
- 40th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Cavalry Regiment (formerly 40th Armor), US Army
- 40th Cavalry Regiment (formerly 40th Armor, US Army
- 40th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 40th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 40th Finance Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 40th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Helicopter Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, California Army National Guard
- 40th Infantry Division Sunshine Division, USA
- 40th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 40th Medical Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 40th Military Police Battalion, US Army
- 40th Mobile Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Munitions Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 40th Service Squadron, USAAF
- 40th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 40th Support Battalion, US Army
- 40th Tactical Hospital, US Air Force
- 4108th Labor Service Company, US Army
- 410th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 410th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 410th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 410th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 410th Hospital Center, US Army
- 410th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 410th Munitions Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 410th Support Brigade, US Army
- 410th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 411th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 411th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 411th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 411th Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 411th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 411th Support Brigade, US Army
- 4123th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4128th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4129th Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Aviation Support Battalion, US Army
- 412th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 412th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Engineer Command, US Army
- 412th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 412th Logistics Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Range Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Support Brigade, US Army
- 412th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Test Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 412th Test Wing, US Air Force
- 4130th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4133rd Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4134th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4135th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4137th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4138th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 413th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 413th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 413th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 413th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 413th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, US Air Force
- 413th Support Battalion, US Army
- 413th Support Brigade, US Army
- 4141st Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 414th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 414th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 414th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 414th Fighter Group, US Air Force
- 414th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 414th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 414th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 414th Support Brigade, US Army
- 4157th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 4158th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 415th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 415th Chemical Brigade, US Army
- 415th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 415th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 415th Military Intelligence Battalion, Louisiana Army National Guard
- 416th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 416th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 416th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 416th Engineer Command, US Army
- 416th Fighter Bomber Squadron, US Air Force
- 416th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 416th Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 417th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 417th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 417th Signal Battalion, Florida Army National Guard
- 418th (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 418th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 418th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 418th Civil Afffairs Battalion, US Army
- 418th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 418th Support Brigade, US Army
- 418th Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 419th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 419th Services Flight, US Air Force
- 419th Support Brigade, US Army
- 419th Tactical Hospital, US Air Force
- 419th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 419th Troop Carrier Group, US Air Force
- 41st Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 41st Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 41st Air Division, US Air Force
- 41st Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 41st Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 41st Electronic Combat Squadron, US Air Force
- 41st Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 41st Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 41st Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 41st Infantry Division Jungleers Division, USA
- 41st Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 41st Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 41st Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 41st Service Group, USAAF
- 41st Signal Battalion, US Army
- 4200th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, US Air Force
- 4201st Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 420th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Chemical Battalion, Washington Army National Guard
- 420th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Engineer Brigade, US Army
- 420th Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 420th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 420th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 421st Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 421st Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 421st Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 421st Medical Battalion, US Army
- 421st Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 4228th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 422nd Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 422nd Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 422nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Joint Tactics Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Ordnance Battalion, US Army
- 422nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Signal Battalion, Nevada Army National Guard
- 422nd Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 4239th Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 423rd (Infantry) Regiment, US Army
- 423rd Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Medical Battalion, US Army
- 423rd Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 423rd Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 4241st Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 424th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 424th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 424th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 425th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 425th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 425th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 425th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 425th Infantry Regiment, Michigan Army National Guard
- 425th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 425th Service Squadron, USAAF
- 426th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 426th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 426th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 426th Network Warfare Squadron, US Air Force
- 426th Regiment, Wisconsin Army National Guard
- 426th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 427th Engineer Group, US Army
- 427th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 428th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 428th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 428th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 428th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 429th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 429th Electronic Combat Squadron, US Air Force
- 429th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 429th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 429th Support Battalion, Virginia Army National Guard
- 429th Tactical Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 42nd Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Aeromedical Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 42nd Air Division, US Air Force
- 42nd Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Airborne Command and Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 42nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Cyberspace Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 42nd Field Hospital, US Army
- 42nd Force Support Squadron (Formerly 42nd Mission Support Squadron), US Air Force
- 42nd Forces Support Squadron (Formerly 42nd Mission Support Squadron), US Air Force
- 42nd Infantry Division Rainbow Division, USA
- 42nd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 42nd Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Military Police Brigade, US Army
- 42nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Regional Support Group, New Jersey Army National Guard
- 42nd School Squadron (later 42nd Bombardment Sqn.), USAAF
- 42nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 42nd Strategic Hospital, US Air Force
- 42nd Tank Battalion, US Army
- 430th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 4315th Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 431st Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 431st Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 431st Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 432nd Aircraft Communications Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 432nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 432nd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Security Police Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 432nd Wing, US Air Force
- 433rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Aeromedical Staging Squadron, Texas Air National Guard
- 433rd Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 433rd Contingency Response Flight, US Air Force
- 433rd Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 433rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 433rd Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 4347th Combat Crew Training Wing, US Air Force
- 4348th Combat Crew Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 434th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 434th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 434th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 434th Fighter Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 434th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 434th Maintenance Group, US Air Force
- 434th Maintenance Operations Flight, US Air Force
- 434th Support Battalion, Minnesota Army National Guard
- 434th Troop Carrier Wing, US Air Force
- 434th USAF Clinic, US Air Force
- 435th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Air Ground Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 435th Air Mobility Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Airlift Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Construction and Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Supply Chain Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 435th Tactical Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 435th Vehicle Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Aeromedical-Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Airlift Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 436th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 436th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Post Attack Command and Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Supply Chain Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 436th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 436th Troop Carrier Group, US Air Force
- 437th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Aeromedical-Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Airlift Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 437th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 437th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Combat Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 437th Supply Chain Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 438th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 438th Air Expeditionery Group, US Air Force
- 438th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 438th Component Repair Squadron, US Air Force
- 438th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 438th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 438th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 438th Supply Chain Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 4392nd Security Police Group, US Air Force
- 439th Aeromedical Evacuation, US Air Force
- 439th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 439th Airlift Control Flight, US Air Force
- 439th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 439th Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 439th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 439th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 439th Supply Chain Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 43rd Aeromedical Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 43rd Air Depot Group, USAAF
- 43rd Air Division, US Air Force
- 43rd Air Mobility Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 43rd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 43rd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Electronic Combat Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 43rd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Infantry Division Winged Victory Division, USA
- 43rd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 43rd Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Logistics Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Logistics Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Military Police Briagde, Rhode Island Army National Guard
- 43rd Military Police Brigade, Rhode Island Army National Guard
- 43rd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Munitions Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd School Squadron (later 43rd Pursuit Sqn.), USAAF
- 43rd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 43rd Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 43rd Tank Battalion, US Army
- 43th Service Group, USAAF
- 4400th Air Postal Squadron, US Air Force
- 4401st Air Postal Squadron, US Air Force
- 4401st Helicopter Flight, US Air Force
- 4404th Operations Group (Provisional), US Air Force
- 440th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, US Air Force
- 440th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 440th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 440th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 440th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 440th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 440th Supply Chain Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 441st Air Expeditionary Squadron, US Air Force
- 441st Antiaircraft Artillery Missile Battalion, US Army
- 441st Antiaircraft Missile Battalion, US Army
- 441st Bombardment Squadron, US Air Force
- 442nd Combat Support Group, US Air Force
- 442nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 442nd Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 442nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 442nd Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 442nd Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 442nd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 442nd Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 442nd Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 442nd Signal Battalion, US Army
- 443rd Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, US Air Force
- 443rd Avionics Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 443rd Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 443rd Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 443rd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 443rd Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 443rd Troop Carrier Wing, US Air Force
- 4440th Aircraft Delivery Group, US Air Force
- 4443rd Technical Training Group, US Air Force
- 444th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 445th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 445th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, US Air Force
- 445th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 446th Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Logistics Support Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 446th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 446th Security Police Flight, US Air Force
- 446th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 447th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 447th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 447th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 4484th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 4486th Fighter Weapons Squadron, US Air Force
- 448th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 448th Combat Sustainment Wing, US Air Force
- 448th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 449th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 449th Aviation Group, North Carolina Army National Guard
- 449th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 449th Support Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 44th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Aerospace Medicine Flight, US Air Force
- 44th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 44th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 44th Chemical Battalion, Illinois Army National Guard
- 44th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 44th Evacuation Hospital, US Army
- 44th Fighter Group, US Air Force
- 44th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Infantry Division Prepared in All Things Division, USA
- 44th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 44th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Maintenance Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Medical Brigade, US Army
- 44th Medical Service Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 44th Operations Support Flight, US Air Force
- 44th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 44th Security Police Group, US Air Force
- 44th Service Group, USAAF
- 44th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 44th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 4500th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 4500th Field Printing Squadron, US Air Force
- 4504th Missile Training Wing, US Air Force
- 4505thAir Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 450th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 450th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 450th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 450th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 450th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 450th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 451st Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 451st Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 451st Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 451st Civil Affairs Group, US Army
- 451st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 451st Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 451st Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 451st Strategic Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 451st Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), US Army
- 452nd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Aeromedical Staging Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Air Mobility Wing, US Air Force
- 452nd Aircraft Generation Squadron (later Aircraft Maintenance Squadron), US Air Force
- 452nd Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 452nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 452nd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 453rd Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 453rd Electronic Warfare Squadron, US Air Force
- 453rd Finance Battalion, US Army
- 453rd Vehicle Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 454th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 454th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 4554th School Squadron, US Air Force
- 4557th Supply Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 455th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Chemical Brigade, US Army
- 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Expeditionary Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Field Hospital, US Army
- 455th Fighter Bomber Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 455th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 456th Airborne Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 456th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 457th Airborne Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 457th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 457th Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 457th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 457th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 457th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 458th Airborne Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 458th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 458th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 458th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 458th Tactical Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 459th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 459th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 459th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 459th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 45th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Aeromedical Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Air Division, US Air Force
- 45th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 45th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Communications Squadron, US Space Force
- 45th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Field Artillery Brigade, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 45th Infantry Division Thunderbird Division, USA
- 45th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 45th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Military Police Battalion, Oklahoma Army National Guard
- 45th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Range Management Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Range Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Service Group, USAAF
- 45th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Space Wing, US Air Force
- 45th Sustainment Brigade, US Army
- 45th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 45th Weather Squadron, US Space Force
- 460th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Operations Support Squadron, US Space Force
- 460th Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 460th Signal Battalion, US Army
- 461st Air Control Networks Squadron, US Air Force
- 461st Air Control Wing, US Air Force
- 461st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 461st Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 461st Flight Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 461st Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 461st Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 461st Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 462nd Fighter Squadron, USAAF
- 462nd Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 462nd Strategic Wing, US Air Force
- 462nd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 463rd Airborne Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 463rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 463rd Airlift Control Squadron, US Air Force
- 463rd Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 463rd Field Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 463rd Logistics Maintenance Squadron (later Maintenance Operations Squadron), US Air Force
- 463rd Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 464th Chemical Brigade, US Army
- 464th Tactical Airlift Wing, US Air Force
- 465th Air Refueling Squadron, US Air Force
- 465th Airborne Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 465th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 466th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 466th Air Expeditionary Squadron, US Air Force
- 466th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 467th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force
- 467th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 46830th USAF Hospital, US Air Force
- 4683rd USAF Hospital, US Air Force
- 468th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 469th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 469th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 46th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 46th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 46th Communications Group, US Air Force
- 46th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 46th Infantry Division Iron Fist Division, USA
- 46th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 46th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 46th Military Police Command, Michigan Army National Guard
- 46th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Range Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th School Squadron, USAAF
- 46th Support Battalion, US Army
- 46th Tactical Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Test Systems Squadron, US Air Force
- 46th Test Wing, US Air Force
- 46th Weather Flight, US Air Force
- 46th Weather Squadron, US Air Force
- 470th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 470th Military Intelligence Brigade, US Army
- 470th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 4711th Air Defense Wing, US Air Force
- 472nd Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 474th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 474th Field Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 474th Regimental Combat Team, US Army
- 474th Tactical Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 4751st Air Defense Squadron, US Air Force
- 475th Air Base Wing, US Air Force
- 475th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 475th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 475th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 475th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 475th Quartermaster Group, US Army
- 475th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 476th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 476th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 477th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 477th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 477th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 477th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 477th Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 477th Operations Support Flight, US Air Force
- 4780th Air Defense Wing, US Air Force
- 478th Aeronautical Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 478th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 478th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 478th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 479th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 479th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 479th Field Artillery Brigade, US Army
- 479th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 479th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 479th Training Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Air Base Group, US Air Force
- 47th Air Division, US Air Force
- 47th Airlift Flight, US Air Force
- 47th Bombardment Squadron, USAAF
- 47th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 47th Cyberspace Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 47th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Flying Training Wing, US Air Force
- 47th Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Infantry Division Viking Division, USA
- 47th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 47th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th School Squadron, USAAF
- 47th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 47th Support Battalion, US Army
- 47th Support Group, US Army
- 47th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 480th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 480th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, US Air Force
- 482nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Contracting Flight, US Air Force
- 482nd Fighter Wing, United States Air Force
- 482nd Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 482nd Force Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Medical Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 482nd Security Forces Squadron, US Air Force
- 483rd Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 483rd Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 483rd Troop Carrier Wing, US Air Force
- 484th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 484th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 484th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 485th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 485th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 485th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 485th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 485th Regiment, US Army
- 486th Air Expeditionary Wing, US Air Force
- 486th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 486th Quartermaster Battalion, US Army
- 487th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 487th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 487th Missile Security Squadron, US Air Force
- 487th Security Police Group, US Air Force
- 487th Security Police Squadron, US Air Force
- 487th Tactical Missile Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 487th Tactical Missile Wing, US Air Force
- 487th Transportation Squadron, US Air Force
- 488th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 489th Attack Squadron, US Air Force
- 489th Bombardemnt Group, USAAF
- 489th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 489th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 489th Support Battalion, Utah Army National Guard
- 48th Air Division, US Air Force
- 48th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Armored Division, USA
- 48th Chemical Brigade, US Army
- 48th Combat Support Hospital, US Army
- 48th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Contracting Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Fighter Group, USAAF
- 48th Fighter Squadron, USAAF
- 48th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 48th Flying Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Infantry Brigade, Georgia Army National Guard
- 48th Infantry Division (Phantom Unit), US Army
- 48th Infantry Division, USA
- 48th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 48th Inpatient Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Intelligence Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Mission Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Munitions Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Ordnance Group, Arizona Army National Guard
- 48th Rescue Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 48th Surgical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 4900th Flight Test Group, US Air Force
- 490th Chemical Battalion, US Army
- 490th Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 490th Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 490th Strategic Missile Squadron, US Air Force
- 4925th Test Group, US Air Force
- 492nd Civil Affairs Battalion, US Army
- 492nd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 492nd Special Operations Advanced Capabilities Squadron, US Air Force
- 492nd Special Operations Wing, US Air Force
- 493rd Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 494th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 494th Bombardment Wing, US Air Force
- 494th Fighter Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 494th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 494th Support Battalion, US Army
- 4950th Test Wing, US Air Force
- 4952th Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 4953rd Test Squadron, US Air Force
- 495th Fighter Group, US Air Force
- 495th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 496th Air Base Squadron, US Air Force
- 497th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 497th Bombardment Group, USAAF
- 497th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 497th Intelligence Group, US Air Force
- 497th Support Battalion, US Army
- 498th Armament Systems Wing, US Air Force
- 499th Air Refueling Wing, US Air Force
- 49th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Air Division, US Air Force
- 49th Armored Division Lone Star, USA
- 49th Cavalry Reconnaissance Battalion, US Army
- 49th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Dental Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Fighter Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 49th Finance Battalion, Texas Army National Guard
- 49th Infantry Division Argonauts, USA
- 49th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 49th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Materiel Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Medical Battalion, US Army
- 49th Medical Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Medical Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Military Police Brigade, California Army National Guard
- 49th Missile Defense Battalion, Alaska Army National Guard
- 49th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Operations Support Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Personnel Services Battalion, California Army National Guard
- 49th Quartermaster Group, US Army
- 49th Services Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Test and Evaluation Squadron, US Air Force
- 49th Transportation Battalion, US Army
- 4th Adjutant General Battalion, US Army
- 4th Aerial Port Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Aeromedical Evacuation Group, US Air Force
- 4th Air Base Operability Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 4th Air Division, US Air Force
- 4th Air Force, US Air Force
- 4th Air Support Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Aircraft Generation Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Airlift Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, US Army
- 4th Armored Division, US Army
- 4th Army Non Commissioned Officer Academy, US Army
- 4th Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion, USMC
- 4th Aviation Regiment, US Army
- 4th Base Headquarters and Air Base Squadron, USAAF
- 4th Cavalry Regiment, US Army
- 4th Civil Affairs Group, USMC
- 4th Civil Engineer Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Combat Camera Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Combat Engineer Battalion, USMC
- 4th Combat Logistics Battalion, USMC
- 4th Combat Training Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Communications Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Component Maintenance Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Composite Group, USAAF
- 4th Comptroller Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Engineer Battalion, US Army
- 4th Evacuation Hospital, US Army
- 4th Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Field Artillery Regiment, US Army
- 4th Field Investigations Region, US Air Force
- 4th Fighter Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Fighter Wing, US Air Force
- 4th Finance Battalion, US Army
- 4th Fleet, US Navy
- 4th Healthcare Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Infantry Division Ivy Division, US Army
- 4th Infantry Regiment, US Army
- 4th Law Enforcement Battalion, USMC
- 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, USMC
- 4th Logistics Readiness Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Maintenance Battalion, US Army
- 4th Maintenance Battalion, USMC
- 4th Maintenance Operations Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, US Army
- 4th Manpower Requirements Squadron, US Air Force
- 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, USMC
- 4th Marine Base Base Defense Air Wing, USMC
- 4th Marine Division, USMC
- 4th Marine Regiment, USMC
- 4th Medical Battalion, USMC